Healing wounds

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3 weeks after the events on the festival:

Naruto sat in his bed, almost healed. Atleast physically as the trauma was still just as strong. The memories we're vivid, the ones he could remember as his consciousness had slipped in and out multiple times during the course of what had happened.

All the beautiful lights, decorations, artwork, attractions and happiness... it was something he wasn't ever going to enjoy. He didn't belong here.

He still couldn't get over the words of the kyuubi who so bluntly told him the truth that everyone else didn't want to tell him. He admired the kyuubi for that, as much as the kyuubi hated him. Atleast it didn't hate him as much as the village did.

"I don't want to be here anymore..." Naruto told no one in particular as he sighed and got up from his bed slowly... the sudden pain running through his body reminding him of everything as if the memory wasn't torturing him enough already.

He put on his usual black pants, long sleeve shirt, boots and face mask, tied his blonde spiky hair into a pony tail and got out of his room.
As he shut the door and turned around he was received by Kakashi who was preparing coffee in the kitchen.

"You're 3 minutes late" the hatake said in his usual monotone voice.

Not dignifying the remark made by his sensei with a response Naruto slowly walked up towards the kitchen. Each step he took sent pain running through his legs. He served himself a cup of black coffee without sugar and drank it as quickly as he could, the taste of hashford cigarettes without menthol and asphalt made itself present as regret kicked in.

'I'll get used to it one day' he thought as he walked out of the kitchen.

"No you won't" the deep voice of the kyuubi said startling Naruto.

'Oh right... demon'

"You better start getting used to it brat" the fox said within Naruto's mindscape

"fuck" the blonde sighed mad and annoyed at the fact that not only did he have a demon inside of him but it also was a total dick.

Naruto entered his room again, took a few kunai and his katanas. He walked out of his room again and sat down to wait for Kakashi to get ready.


40 minutes later:

Kakashi slowly walked out of his room, as he completely got out of the room...


He was hit in the head with a can of tuna that threw him to the floor.

Naruto didn't bother to say anything after.

He wouldn't have done that if it weren't for him pointing his tardiness previously. He was quite petty.

Kakashi stood up, rubbing his head and glaring at the petty little blonde.

Itachi proceeded to walk out of the room quietly laughing at the events that had just happened. Following Itachi was Anko who was dying of laughter, almost literally.

"Im beggining to lose my dignity here" the copy nin deadpanned.

"We should get going" Itachi said dryly, his smile and laughter now gone.

"Y'know he still hasn't fully recovered, i don't think he should be back to training yet" Anko stepped in concerned about what would happen if he got pushed to the edge.


"Well... she does makes a good point, you're still recovering" Kakashi interrupted Naruto.

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