Chunin Exams Pt2

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It was a sunny peaceful day in Konohagakure. The sounds of chatter and laughter adorned the place as the people went through their daily routines, and children played in the streets. The would be chunin from all villages had arrived at the village, enjoying the new, and different environment. The place bloomed with happiness.

Through the streets of the village walked Kirigakure's team 1. This time without their jonin, they were left to wander around before the beginning of the Chunin exams.

The streets of Konoha were adorned with colorfulness and cheers, something very distinctive from the quiet, gloomy and tranquil Mist village.

Haku looked around noticing different stores, buildings and children playing ninja, the sight brought peace, and happiness to the wholesome girl.

Suigetsu kept a smirk on his face as he scanned the different genin who had arrived, hoping one of them didn't like his staring, and did something about it.

Mugen on the other hand walked the village feeling disgusted at the sight of people.


The team was passing through a street far from the concentration of people in the center of the village. It was void of any people at the moment and nothing seemed to be happening in the area.
The street was next to the uchiha district and compound. Ever since Itachi's defection it was completely empty.

Mugen suddenly jumped high in the air elegantly doing a half twist backflip, and gracefully dodging an attack of sand coming his way.

In a split second Haku and Suigetsu turned around and took a battle stance looking straight at their attacker.

A redhead boy that stood at 5'4 was behind them. He had no eyebrows but was very obviously glaring, a kanji adorned his forehead, and a massive gourd hanged off of his back

"Finally showed yourself"
Mugen said, unfazed at his opponent.

"You speak as if my presence was obvious to you"
The boy responded in a dry and emotionless tone.

'With chakra so strong and uncontrolled, it's a miracle you can even be here without being considered a threat'
He tought as he stared blankly at the redhead.

"Just my luck, i haven't killed anyone in so long i was forgetting what it felt like" Suigetsu said with a smirk as he reached for his sword.

"Suigetsu-kun, please stay put for now ok? A 2 on 1 fight is a bad look for us"
Haku grabbed his hand firmly, and spoke to him with a soft smile.

"Let's just see how this fight turns out"

Sand came out of the boy's gourd and attack Mugen at a high speed. He effortlessly avoided it.

The sand persisted and kept following him quickly, attack after another. Slowly Mugen began putting more effort into his dodging.

He was hopping from place to place as the sand followed him, then a second wave of sand creeped from behind him and both attacks grabbed him covering him in sand.

The boy put his right hand up.

"Sand coffin"

He closed his fist and the sand tightened over Mugen's body crushing it.

A dropick attacked the boy from behind just as he tought he had won.

The sand crushing Mugen scattered to block the kick revealing a log in place of a dead body.

The kick was blocked, causing a loud impact as it hit.

A split second later the redhead turned around to see Mugen intact and completely clean of sand.

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