Chunin Exams Pt3

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The sunset was falling upon Konohagakure and the chunin exams were closer and closer. The lamps in the houses and the ones in the streets were now lit. The streets now became empty as people went in to their houses. Through the streets walked Naruko, Mito and Haku.

They had invited her to catch up and talk as their battle ended with them not as enemies, and seeing her alive once again brought some happiness to them and an opportunity to get to know each other more than they did in their previous encounter.
The sisters had taken a pity in Haku's life story, they were all unprepared for war and wound up finding humanity in eachother as a consequence of this.

A fight between shinobi should be void of stories, emotions, pity or humanity, they were unable to carry such things out, yet in the end it resulted in something better.


Mugen had been asleep for awhile and woke up to be recieved by the sun setting. He softly smiled as he had achieved his goal... skipping a lengthy amount of time of existing. He slowly got up from the floor his face once again lacking any emotion or life. He stared blankly into the sunset.

'I finally figured out what's causing this despair'

'That so?'

'Yeah, im empty, i have no goals, purpose or desires apart from killing and getting revenge, I don't like anything, don't do anything, don't really like anyone, and I've supressed my humanity for so long im losing it. Im... becoming hollow'

"You gotta keep resisting for now, once you get your revenge you can be yourself once again, being someone you're must be stressful but the reward will be worth it, once you're done you can set your sights on something bigger, for now let your current goals fuel you"

Naruto was becoming more and more unstable with each passing second, someone empty, with nothing to lose and pushed to the limit to the extent he was, was a dangerous combination. The voices of Kakashi, and Itachi against taking the path of evil were nothing more than fragments that occasionally showed up, forgotten in a sea of emptiness, rage, and evil from the Kyuubi's influence. Even if in the beginning he was aware he was being controlled and used by the evil being, he was becoming more, and more blissful of it, or maybe he just accepted. Perhaps he was becoming a demon after all.

He pulled out a kunai and took his coat off, at first sight he seemed normal excluding his remarkably large, marked forearms and arms for his age. The inside of his forearms told a different story, many scars went down from his wrist to his elbow some were shallow others were deep.

He placed the kunai against his forearm and slowly sliced it open, he felt nothing.

Putting more pressure in it he repeated the action once again cutting deeper and bleeding more. Still he felt nothing.

As he wasn't feeling anything, he drove the kunai in with enough force to reach bone, the stab gave him a jolt of pain and rush of adrenaline and seratonin that shook him out of his despair and emptiness for the time being.

He took a deep breath, muttered "Fuck yeah" excitedly and proceeded to slowly pull the kunai out. The pain began setting in and he was brought back to his senses.
The feeling left quicker than he expected.

A soft breeze carressed his face that was slowly losing all emotion and humanity, his eyes were a portal into a void.

He put his coat back on to cover the bleeding and began walking away from the place, memorizing the location in case he wanted to go back during the process of the exams. However as he made mental notes the place began feeling familiar.

To check out if he knew the place or not he tried sensing nearby presences, not near but not far he barely sensed someones chakra.
It was extremely faint but he could tell already who it was.

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