A Mission Complete

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The konoha ninja stood puzzled at what had just taken place. Kakashi scanned the area for any trace of the people who interrupted but there was nothing. Just the smell of death and blood remained. The aftermath left by Mugen was at the least a disturbing sight to encounter.

"Should we track them down?" Mito asked her sensei in a serious steely tone.

"Leave it be, they were not here to go against us. We would be dead if that were the case, i suspect they were only tasked with saving Zabuza"
The jounin responded in a calmly manner.

The truth was that if they were to take on those shinobi they'd be halfway to the grave by now. The battle against Zabuza and his companion had left Sasuke unconsious, Mito, and Naruko exhausted and Sakura was barely of use. Kakashi was none the better either, his muscles sent waves of almost paralyzing pain through his body and his chakra reserve was depleted. Blocking Zabuza's massive sword with just kunai took its toll on him.


Tsuna and Hideko had taken Zabuza and the girl to their rendezvous point a secluded small land nearby.

Hideko was an adept healer and so was tasked with their recovery but the wounds on the girl were very serious. The hole in her chest had a diameter of four inches and it had barely missed her heart.

She cut open her clothes and began to use a healing jutsu.

"Her condition is critical, i can only stall the damage until we get to Kirigakure" Hideko said resonantly getting the attention of Zabuza and Tsuna.

"Well im not planning on coming back there so you might as well give it up" Zabuza said bitterly ignoring the fact that his loyal companion would bleed to death.

"This is not a matter of choice Momochi, you will go to Kirigakure and report yourself to the Mizukage"
Tsuna responded back seriously. In the blink of an eye she had pulled back the string of her bow and aimed it at his head.

"Im not gonna go back to that awful place, I'D RATHER DIE THAN SERVE THAT MAN EVER AGAIN!" Zabuza's almost demonic deep pitched voice echoed through Tsuna and Hideko's ears.

"Oh that's right i forgot... here's a personal letter from Mizukage-sama please read it, and if you're still against... we'll carry out your wish"
The blue haired beauty answered in a slightly softer way.

She handed Zabuza a small envelope and he began reading.

"Zabuza Momochi, if you are reading this it means you are willing to be reasonable. The news may have not gotten to you just yet as it has been kept a secret from anyone amd anything outside of the village. The news is that Yagura Karatachi has been eliminated. Thus why i write you this letter, we are in dire need of capable warriors to rebuild the mist into a worthy and glorious place. And finally get rid of its evil past. I'd be more than glad to forgive your crimes, and provide you a normal life once again if you're willing to give Kirigakure a second chance.

Yours truly Terumi Mei

P.s i might have sent a slightly psychopathic boy your way, if you deny the offer make sure not to be executed by him >.<"

As Zabuza finished reading a sense of relief took over him. Perhaps after all he could leave the life of crime behind, and live once again in the village he grew up in.

"I- i accept but under one con-"

"GOOD! That is good to hear, im just a lowly jounin though, you can speak to Mizukage sama about your if's but's or and's" Tsuna energetically interrupted Zabuza's small phylospphical speech he was planning on giving.

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