chunin exams pt1

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"Show some decency for once in your life... you lack elegance, insolent weakling"

"Haku-chan, do you carry any pliers inside of your bag by any chance?"

"What would you need them for?"


"You should ask for a magnifying glass while you're at it. It could help you find your brain, and your manners, your reproductive member too"


Between the arguing the laughs of a woman were audible.

"I Love This Team" she said between chuckles.

A cute white haired feminine looking boy with purple eyes, wearing a purple vest and gray pants swung a Katana at Mugen multiple times in rapid succesion.

Mugen calmly and narrowly dodged the attacks, paying very little attention to his hot headed very angered partner.

This was Kirigakure's genin team 1, composed of Mugen Terumi, Haku Yuki, and Suigetsu Hozuki, under the leadership of Tsuna Yamazaki.

They were on their way to Konohagakure to participate in the chunin exams, but it seemed as it was gonna be hard to make it as a team of three with the dislike the boys had towards eachother.

Suigetsu kept trying to cut Mugen into pieces but his efforts were not very fruiful.

"Hozuki, it's about time you stopped" Tsuna said scornfully to her student.

Suigetsu stopped his attacks and straightened himself.

"And Mugen, stop it with the comments" she added to be fair in her scolding.

The team continued to walk in silence in peace. They were still far from Konoha, and had barely stepped into the territory of the Fire nation.

Mugen was constantly scanning his sorroundings, every time he took a step was reminded of the last time his feet walked the territory of the Fire nation. He didn't plan on coming back any time soon but the world had other plans for him.

Mugen had gone through some change in the month that had passed. His blindness had been slightly fixed with corrective surgery, thanks to the Mizukage who had gone through the effort of finding a capable medic since Kiri was still lacking in medics after she took over.
Apart from that, he wore a Hunter nin mask to cover his identity completely.


The sunset fell upon the team, they decided to call it a day, and camp out the night in a nearby zone of the land of fire's forest. Realistically if they ran at full speed, they would already be at the village but they decided to take things calmly due to one member not being to anxious of entering through gates of Konohagakure.

Tsuna, Haku, and Suigetsu began setting up tents they kept sealed away in scrolls.

Mugen meanwhile prepared a campfire. He collected various large branches from nearby, and placed them in a circle, sorrounding them with rocks.

"This idiot knows he needs tinder and twigs to first start the fire right?" Suigetsu muttered under his breath but it was still heard by Mugen.

He put the tip of his index and middle finger on the pile of wood and it began burning instantly.

"Very impressive Mugen-kun, usually people from the Water nation don't know anything about fire style, but you're really skilled at it" Haku softly said as she sat by the fire.

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