A new friend

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It was 7:00 AM and Hiruzen found himself knee deep in paperwork... again.

'One day i will defeat you, you bastard pieces of garbage, you have been the demise of many kage...but not of me, you will not defeat me bastard i will win this battle... i will come out on top no matter what it takes'
Hiruzen thought to himself as he glared at the damned paperwork.

"Busy?" Jiraiya asked as he stood behind his teacher.

"Fuck do you know how to use the damn door? I swear to Kami one of these days i'll get a heart attack!"
Hiruzen exclaimed spooked at Jiraiya's lack of knowledge in the art of opening a door instead of entering through the window.

"My bad i will use the door next time i swear" Jiraiya lied as he laughed a bit.

"What is it that you wanted?" Hiruzen asked this time coldly.

"Nothing, just wanted to visit my teacher... that is all" Jiraiya answered as he looked out of the window he had climbed through.

"How's everything been going then?" The Sarutobi asked in an uninterested tone, almost as if Jiraiya's presence was not needed.

Even though he wasn't too welcoming of Jiraiya he wanted to learn about how things were going with Mito and Naruko. He did get a letter from Kushina every then and now but he still wanted to learn about the twins.

"Everything has been going perfectly if im being honest" Jiraiya responded.

Hiruzen just nodded in return.

"How's uh, the kid doing... what's his name again?" Jiraiya asked to break the soon to be awkward silence.

"You are a total dimwit... Minato fucking named him after your stupid book and you forget about his name?" Hiruzen responded coldly, his voice laced with anger...

Jiraiya just flinched at seeing his teacher like this, he looked down as to not make eye contact with his teacher as he felt a bit ashamed.

Hiruzen knew Jiraiya didn't make the choice and it was Kushina who did. He thought maybe he could have him convince Kushina...

"Look i know you haven't been too interested in little Naruto, but please give him a chance, he doesn't deserve this, he deserves a normal childhood. He's a good kid, he deserves to live with a mother and have a childhood in a place where he's loved, not where he is seen as a demon."
Hiruzen Sarutobi said to his student begging for him to take Naruto as he wanted him to grow up happily in a family.

Jiraiya simply looked down and sighed.

A minute passed and the silence between them was deafening.

"Im sorry but Kushina doesn't want him sensei, and im trying to teach Mito and Naruko, because well they're in the prophecy" Jiraiya said in a low tone.

"I guess if you will never love him there's no need for you to take him, he has a great teacher that actually cares from him... he'll be better off with him now that i think about it" The Sarutobi said in a low voice as he lit his pipe and started smoking.

Jiraiya once again hung his head in shame and kept quiet.

The words his teacher had said cut deep... but what was most painful was that they were the truth...

"Anything else on your mind?" The old Hokage said breaking the silence between them.

"No... not really" the sage answered to his teacher.

"Then i would rather be alone at this moment" the third responded as he made a gesture for him to leave.

Quietly Jiraiya left the building through the window...

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