A new threat

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It has been a few months now since the attack, Kakashi was taking care of Naruto or atleast he tried since he knew nothing about taking care of children so he had to ask Anko to help him at every single basic task with little Naruto.

Kakashi had left Anko to take care of Naruto as he went to Hiruzen's office.

He seemed worried and suspicious of everything.

"Sarutobi-sama i need to talk to you about something" Kakashi told the Sandaime Hokage as he scanned the room.

"What is it Kakashi-san" the Sandaime responded calmly while smoking out of his pipe.

"Tell the Anbu to get out first" Kakashi said calmly.

Hiruzen signaled his anbu to leave and activated a noise barrier seal.

"Get the fuck out too Danzo" Kakashi exclaimed.

A man with bandages covering his right eye came out of a vent in the office and left the room while glaring at both Hiruzen and Kakashi.

"Now we can talk" Kakashi said to Hiruzen who was surprised at the fact the things Danzo was capable of doing to overthrow him.

"What is it you need to tell me Kakashi-san?" Hiruzen asked while gripping his pipe.

"It's about Kushina... she has sent someone to kill Naruto..." Kakashi calmly said

Hiruzen didn't know how to react at this he didn't know if he should be surprised or not, he knew Kushina was hateful towards Naruto but at this level? How did he know Kushina had sent someone? He was shocked and troubled.

"How do you know it's Kushina? Wh-what did you see?" Hiruzen asked while stuttering a bit from the shock.



It was around 3 AM, Naruto was sleeping in his crib, and Kakashi was in the living room reading a book.

Kakashi all of a sudden detected a strong chakra nearby.

He instantly sprinted towards Naruto's room where he was still sleeping in his crib.

However the window to the room was completely open and a piece of paper could be seen on the floor

He picked up the piece of paper where he saw something horrifying...

On the piece of paper was a map of Konoha and a description that read:

Name: Naruto

Gender: Boy

Hair: spiky blonde

Eyes: Blue

Age: 4 months

Other: 3 whisker Marks on each cheek

Kakashi knew only Kushina could have done this... she was going to regret it.

Flashback end


Hiruzen was shocked at the things Kushina was capable of.

He knew it was her but he couldn't do anything due to the lack of evidence. If he banned her from konoha the council would rage.

"This is damn massive problem..." Hiruzen sighed.

Both Hiruzen and Kakashi knew Naruto was in danger at all times now.

"I'll make sure the Anbu stay on alert of any threats... it could even be one of us..." Hiruzen said to Kakashi while looking out of the Hokage tower.

Kakashi took his leave and as he walked down the Village he saw a suspicious looking figure sprinting over the roofs of the houses. He ignored it for now and kept walking to his apartment.

As Kakashi entered he saw Anko on the couch holding Naruto.

"You're free to go Hatake he's mine now!" Anko jokingly said to Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at her in the most monotone and boring way possible.

Anko brushed Kakashi's boringness and kept playimg with Naruto's whiskers making him laugh a bit

Kakashi sat down next to Anko and surprisingly started playing with Naruto too.

He had to protect little Naruto no matter what happened.


Meanwhile for Kushina it was al goinh better than ever they were living a very nice life.

Jiraiya was staying with Kushina and they got the ocasional visit from Tsunade and her assistant Shizune who always wanted to see Mito and Narumi. It was all going perfectly well for them.

Mito and Narumi were going to grow up in a word completely different from Naruto.

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