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AN: Finally got my shitbox running again, now time for bodywork and good as new

Onto the story fuckers

It has been one year since Naruto started training, today is October 10 and like every October 10 after the attack the village is celebrating the defeat of the kyuubi.

Naruto is home alone since Kakashi is on a mission. As great of a big brother and sensei as he was, he was still a member of the anbu black ops.
Sometimes Itachi would watch him while Kakashi went out on missions but today Itachi was also on the same mission as Kakashi... what are the odds.

On the year he spent training Naruto had learned more than the average kid would. By now he could throw kunai amd shuriken perfectly, he also had gotten stronger in taijutsu not only in literal strength but also in technique, he also learned to wield his daggers decently. Of course since his teacher was Kakashi, who was practically the coolest human being ever... he had learned his first few jutsu such as transform, body switch, and shadow clone jutsu. And since Itachi trained him from time to time he also learned fire style fire ball jutsu along with his partner and best friend Sasuke.

Sasuke had also gotten stronger since they started training together. Naruto and Sasuke became best friends amd would spend practically every moment they could together.


Naruto found himself alone in Kakashi's apartment wandering around bored to death. Even though Kakashi wasn't exactly a very entertaining person to be around Naruto always liked to be around him for reasons unknown.

He entered Kakashi's room out of boredom to see if he had something to read...

As Naruto entered he saw a few pieces of clothing laying on the messy bed, he could recognize them quickly as Itachi's from the Uchiha clan symbol on the back of a dark blue shirt...

'That's odd, maybe Kakashi nii-san borrowed them' the clueless blonde thought to himself innocently as he checked the room for some reading material.

He didn't find anything so he gave up not wanting to find something private.

"You're so boring Nii san!" The little blondie exclaimed as he threw himself to the floor bored to death.

Everything outside seemed so interesting but Naruto didn't like going outside a lot unless it was for training or visiting ichiraku, a place he only visited for the ramen and definitely not because of Ayame too.

'Might as well go out since there's a festival, it will be fun, maybe i can meet new people' the enthusiastic little cutie thought to himself.

He grabbed a pen and a note and started writing.

"Hi nii-san i went out for a moment i'll be back quickly, love you!"
He wrote quickly as he walked out of the apartment. He put on his casual attire which consisted of long black pants, a long sleeve black t shirt, black fingerless gloves, and a pair of high top triple black shoes (af1s basically).

He walked into where the festival itself was happening.

The sight was beautiful... lights and decorative lamps adorned the place as it shined under the night sky. Stores were everywhere, selling everything from food, to toys, to decorations to expensive drinks. The sound of people talking and laughing accompanied the music that was being played by the bands.

It was all beautiful, Naruto couldn't believe what he had missed all of this time. This day was almost perfect, if only Sasuke was there so it could be truly perfect.

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