Terrifying Encounter

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Naruto's frail, bloody, broken, and beaten body held onto Sasuke. The tears were flowing freely from his eyes onto his bloodied face.

Ever single part of his body hurt. Just existing was painful. He was coughing up blood that fell onto Sasuke's shirt, and the floor. Even though Sasuke had made a tourniquet in every major wound he was still bleeding.

The apartment was a mess, there was blood everywhere. His breathing was very uneasy and his pulse unstable.

Sasuke caressed Naruto's hair slowly not knowing what else he could do.

Why did they do such thing to him? Why were people so evil? Sasuke questioned himself as he looked at the broken little boy.

Naruto closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness again due to the pain.

Sasuke needed to take him to the hospital. He grabbed Naruto carefully but he noticed the sound of footsteps arriving at the apartment.


Itachi and Kakashi were returning home after the mission, they didn't plan on attending the kyuubi festival and they jusg wanted to spend some time together...

As they walked they saw the people partying and having fun oblivious to everything else going around.

Both of them noticed a few chunin thag were sprinting through the rooftops rushing deeper into where the festival was happening. They didn't give to much of a fuck about it at that exact moment so the just walked into Kakashi's apartment.

Kakashi lived in a regular sized apartment in a second floor. They noticed a trail of blood that lead into his apartment door. The trail wasn't small either, whoever nade this trail was probably dead.

At the sight of the trail they felt alerted and they prepared for combat. When they got closer they realized the window that was next to the front door was kicked in.

Itachi grabbed a kunai and scanned the place as the duo entered the apartment.

As they entered they saw Sasuke with an unconscious Naruto in his hands... a bloodbath everywhere...

Naruto was covered in blody bandages. His body was absolutely beaten and he looked very much dead.

"What the hell happened?" Kakashi quickly asked as he rushed towards Sasuke.

"Forget it explain it later we gotta get to the hospital" Kakashi added as he took Naruto from Sasuke's hands. "Now Let's go"

Kakashi shunshined out of the place, and Itachi sprinted out of the Apartment as Sasuke followed.


Kakashi arrived at the hospital with Naruto in his hands. Naruto was going to die if he didn't hurry up.After he entered he sprinted towards the main desk to have him taken to a room.

"He needs a room right now" Kakashi quickly said to the young attendant at the desk who quickly got up to take him to a room.

"Right this way" She said as she led Kakashi to an empty room.

She unlocked the door and Kakashi entered the room to lay Naruto on the hospital bed.

"I'll have a Nurse come right away" she said as she sprinted away.

Itachi and Sasuke entered the hospital and they noticed a genin that was about 13 years old and some older civilians men and women with severe burns being rushed to the place by some civilians and chunin.

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