Chunin Exams Pt6

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Good time of day reader, im finally out of bootcamp (i graduated a while ago but i have basically no free time) and can write again.  So onto the story, my writing might be a little different since i haven't stories in a while and all my mind is filled with now is... nothing i was dumb as rocks before, now im dumber hooyah that's pretty cool ngl.


The genin trembled at the name "Forest of Death" especially with the way Anko said it. Many were having second thoughts about going in or not. But they still had pride inside themselves after getting through the previous challenge, as young shinobi for many of them that was the hardest situation they'd ever been in.

"Alright i will brief you on what you have to do now, so listen up and listen good. Each team will be given 1 scroll, there are two different type of scrolls earth or fire, and you will need them both. Your task will be to find the scroll your team needs from another team, take it by any means necessary, and make it to the center of the forest where a tower is located, can't miss it except it's really easy to miss, you will have 72 hours to carry out this task. Before this happens however you have to sign a waiver so hurry up get in a single file line"

The gening quickly began making their way towards Anko, most of them not getting in a single file line.

"HEY, get in a SINGLE FILE LINE before i start putting hands on you!" Anko said as she released mild killing intent and smiled.

The genin quickly fixed themselves and began unknowingly signing the waiver.

"um excuse me, what are we exactly signing?" Sakura asked innocently as she was next up in line.

"It's just a waiver acknowledging you might die here and that we are not liable for it" the Mitarashi spoke terrifying the soul out of some genin.

Once every one had signed all the team leads were given a scroll and a slip of paper telling them what entrance they would use.

Mugen picked his piece of paper and gave a quick glance to it.


He reunited with Haku and Suigetsu and informed them.

"We will be going through gate 311 A, we have a few minutes to get there, i think we should all rush there as quick as can be, and analyze who will be using the nearby entrances" the boy spoke seriously and calmly to his.

"Once we know who is going to enter nearby we can track them down" Haku softly replied.

"Or we can kill them" Added Suigetsu.

"While both good ideas, no, it's a waste of energy, just knowing who we have nearby will help us, Anko nee-chan is chaotic but not dumb, she won't put someone with a different scroll and significantly weaker next to us or anyone else, that would be easy"

"That's true, we'd probably waste too much energy too" the Hozuki said.

"Why did you call that lady nee-chan, Mugen-kun, do you know her?" Haku asked curiously.

"let's go" Mugen said as he looked away.

They all took off to the gate and examined the area.

An eerie aura seemed to radiate of the place, the scent of death was heavy in the air and it made most genin uneasy.

Haku scouted the nearby sorroundings and saw the teams using the entrances left and right to them.

"To our right we have a team from Amegakure, and to our left is-"

"Sunagakure's team, as i thought they'd put some badasses nearby" Mugen interrupted having already detected Gaara's bloodthirsty presence.

"The gates are gonna open, we gotta go in" Suigetsu said as he prepared to sprint into the forest.

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