Chunin exams Pt5

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The first part of the exams had just begun, the proctor Ibiki Morino glared at the students with an eagle eye acompannied by all the other men observing them. The classroom was in dead silence as the genin nervously grabbed their pencils. They all began answering their test sheets. Or atleast tried to, the problems in the test were extremely difficult and none were taught to genin. For the majority of them they were impossible to answer, only for a very small amount of people it was possible.

Soon most of the classroom began sweating bullets, looking around for any opportunity to cheat but finding none under the watchful eye of the jonin watching them.

'These problems are too hard for genin to solve Naruko-chan's gonna have some real trouble here" Mito tought as she began answering her paper. She was the more studious of the two, and had a very high inteligence, still she was not having an easy time answering them but she managed.

Next to her Sakura was also managing to answer the test with difficulty.

Meanwhile Sasuke who was not too into reading, was intelligent enough to realize the true meaning of the exam... to cheat, and not get caught. For him this was an easy enough task, he scanned around the room seeing who was answering their test, and with his sharingan he copied their movements, getting all of his answers correctly.

Lastly from team 7 was Naruko, she wasn't able to answer a single question, but she was too naive, or honorable to result to cheating. Thus she began having an existential crisis as she stared at the paper hoping for knowledge to magically enter her brain.


Haku was sitting next to a a boy who was getting all his answers perfectly, interestingly enough she had not seen him prior to the beginning of the exams.

'He may have been planted here for us to copy off him, if not, well... I'll find out i guess'

She created a mirror of ice in her hand placed it on her left hand so she could see the paper of the boy to her right, though it wasn't very clear she managed to get the answers and write them down.

Suigetsu used a similar strategy, creating a small ball of water in his hand he could use to reflect the papers of others.

'This is the part where never having been to an academy comes to put me at a disadvantage, i have nothing i can use to cheat and those chunin that have been planted here are all too far away'

"And here i thought you got your father's intelligence, how disappointing"

'I am sufficiently intelligent, i didn't get the opportunity to be taught this in an academy, this is all theoretical information not practical'

"Sounds to me like your complaining your sisters are smarter than you"

'They probably aren't, but keep up the talking, and I'll be sealing your soul inside of a very small dog, doomed to uselessness'

"You weren't taught all the knowledge your father passed on, how will you be able to know how to seal me? Whatever I'll help you out, i have sufficient knowledge, and you're a quick learner so you might actually manage that"

'Thank you, you could've also taught me this if you knew'

'Why teach you useless information? Just let me take over for a moment and shut your fanciful little mouth'

Mugen closed his eyes for a second before opening them again, this time his functional eye was red with a black slit down the middle. Something Ibiki Morino noticed.

He began writing down on the paper quickly before closing his eyes again and returning to normal.

The majority of the students were having a hard time, and getting caught cheating while some others cheated creatively impressing Ibiki who watched their every move with a small amount of awe.

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