A Violent Display

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"WHAT?!" Shouted Tsuna and Hideko in exageration, and unison at Mei Terumi... their Mizukage.

A rogue nin from konoha was a very risky asset to have; Kirigakure was still in recovery from the previous Mizukage. Last thing they needed was problems with the most powerful village at the moment.

"Is he a rogu-"

"Calm down, he's not a rogue ninja, he left a long time ago, when he was a kid" Mei spoke to the team who seemed slightly on edge, interrupting before they could even finish talking.

The girls calmed down at their Mizukage, trusting her judgment. She was a smart leader after all.

As they had their conversation Mugen scanned the room quietly, looking at his current teammates from time to time. He seemed very un-welcoming even when he was calm. To Tsuna, and Hideko; he looked like the force that ran his body was pure unfiltered hate, and fury. Their first impressions weren't that good...

"Well, if that was all, we should be heading out" Tsuna spoke hurriedly as if she was excited for the mission or wishing it was already over before it even begun.

"Yes. Oh i almost forgot"

She pulled out a small sealed envelope.

"Make sure to deliver this letter to Zabuza, it can definitely help with convincing him"

Mei handed Tsuna the envelope, and they went on their way.

They walked out of the Mizukage's tower and into the village. The mission was gonna be a little complicated, they had to track down the whereabouts of a dangerous criminal, convince said dangerous criminal to go back to the village he deserted, and not kill him.

They walked through the village which was still gloomy and creepy. Mei Terumi had rose to power recently, and the damage done by the previous Mizukage Yagura Karatachi was evident, although he might have been under the control of genjutsu. Previously to him the village was known as the bloody mist for it's brutal graduation test for genin, they had to kill their classmates in order to graduate.
Not only that but the structure and societal hierarchy of the village was a bad look. It was divided in castles, the first for families whose origin was of Kirigakure.
The second for families who fought alongside them.
And the last castle being for those families who were annexed by the village, they were treated with less respect, given the most dangerous missions and were the ones subjected to the bloody mist's graduation.

All in all, Mei had a lot on her hands.


"Zabuza is not just a criminal, he's a mercenary, and a quite popular one; There definitely should be some information on his whereabouts around the water nation" Said Tsuna, she was a very skilled jounin when it came to fighting but her tracking abilities boiled down to just her common sense.

"Taking into consideration the fact that he is a mercenary we should look into somewhere where thugs are being hired, and most of the islands around the nation aren't very occupied by hired thugs" Added Hideko, she was a very skilled tracker, and she was one of the smartest ninja in the village.

"Gato is fairly known for hiring thugs and oppressing everything he sees. He's left a quite disastrous impact on the land of wave, and there's rumours of a bridge being built to establish trading with Konoha." Hideko added.

"And that's bad for his business i imagine" Tsuna remarked to her companion.

"Yes" she answered the rhetorical remark.

"Let's go there first then, it's not that far away"

Meanwhile in the wave:

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