[33] Mad Dog

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Izumi: apologies for the late update. i will be busy with work until the end of May. thank you for being patient.



"A movie? But we still have to study for the exams." (Y/n) stated. "Just one movie."

She was about to disagree again when she was cut off by Oikawa. "Please?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Just one." Hanamaki added.

She looked towards the only other sane person of the group, but he just shrugged in response. "I wouldn't mind a movie." Iwaizumi said.

Once again, (Y/n) let out a sigh. "Okay, fine." before proceeding to help set up the DVD player.

On with Chapter 33:


A few days ago..

"Kyotani-kun! Someone's looking for you!" a classmate called out to him just as he was about to leave for lunch. He grumbled under his breath before walking to where that someone was. His classmates that were in his way moved to the side so that they wouldn't face his wrath.

"Kentaro." his annoyed expression immediately vanished and was replaced with a look of shock, before turning into a stoic look.

"(Y/n)." he replied and (Y/n) smiled.

"It's nice seeing you again." he nodded once as a response. "It's been months, but can you come back to practice?" she asked and Kyotani's expression didn't change.

To others, it looked like he was intimidating the manager, but in actual fact he was calmly considering her request. He had no reason to feel intimidated by her, and vice-versa. Instead, he respected her and she knew this was his natural response.

"If you cooperate with the team, you'll be able to play in the next Inter-High." (Y/n) said.

Kyotani thought about it for a few more seconds before answering, "I'll think about it." and walked off somewhere for lunch.


Present Time..

Kyotani ended up going to the next training they had with a Hamima Chicken in hand. He entered the gym noisily while still eating his food, and the slam of the door caused everyone to stop and look for the culprit.

Safe to say, they were definitely shocked at who decided to show up.

"Oi! Now that you've finally decided to show up, you should at least announce yourself!" Yahaba was the first to break the silence as he shouted at his fellow second year.

"Now, now, now. Calm down, Yahaba." Oikawa decided to step in.

He turned towards Kyotani whose expression darkened at the sight of the said third year. "It's been a while. I've been waiting for you. Welcome back, Mad Dog-chan."

Amako, for once hearing the name, leaned closer to her senior. "Hey, who's "Mad Dog"?" she whispered. "He's a second year named Kyotani Kentaro. Tooru just decided to call him Mad Dog (KyoKen)." (Y/n) explained. "He was pretty famous in junior high, Minamisan Junior High. "

"Oh yeah, I remember." Amako recalled. "Minamisan Junior High was strong for only that year. He was never a team player."

"As soon as he joined the club, he had a chance to be in a practice match.. But he suddenly butted heads with the third years." (Y/n) explained as she recalled the moments where he shouted at her teammates. 'The toss is too far from the net and hard to hit! You could have totally followed up on that! You suck!'

"His attitude towards the third years didn't change, and he eventually stopped showing up."

Kyotani then decided to speak up, "What the hell...there are still third years around? I thought all of you would have retired after losing in the Inter-High prelims."

His statement managed to shock his teammates as they shuddered at his bluntness, while the third years had menacing expressions on their faces.

His statement managed to shock his teammates as they shuddered at his bluntness, while the third years had menacing expressions on their faces

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Meanwhile, Oikawa laughed

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Meanwhile, Oikawa laughed. "You're as funny as always, Mad Dog-chan."

"I wish you'd stop calling me that." Kyotani grumbled.

" "Ah, I'm so happy I got to play on the team while Oikawa-san was still here." " Oikawa "imitated" how Kyotani would act. "I'll make you feel that way."

For some reason, Kyotani felt cautious at the last sentence and stepped away from Oikawa. However, he felt another presence at the side and turned his head towards that direction.

"Kentaro." (Y/n) had finally stepped away from her fellow manager and towards the blonde, who lowered his guard at the sight of the (h/c-ette).

"Welcome back."


extra info:

- i am now thinking of that mafia seijoh book suggestion

- random thought but i want to make a(n) yn & amako compilation




edit: i thought about that 1am, i'll leave 🚪🚶‍♀️

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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