[44] Clutch

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Do yall want some extra chapters after this story ends? More info at the end of the chapter!

Btw if i take too long to write a chapter, its because im busy watching one piece and i apologize but its such a good series



"Score! What a clever and acrobatic shot from Bokuto!"

"My goodness! The blockers got their hands well above him that time... So I figured that either a rebound or a block out would be incredibly difficult for him. But he surprised us all by brilliantly shifting the timing of his hit to get around the block."

"That's Bokuto Kotaro for you! Trust him to come up with the unconventional solution."

On with Chapter 44:


3 months ago...

== 3 / M O N T H S / A G O ==

(Y/n) woke up to her phone vibrating at 7 o'clock in the morning.

"Who the heck would message me at this time?" the (h/c)-ette grumbled as she turned on her smartphone before getting blinded by the screen for a few seconds.

"Hajime? Tsk, it better be worth reading." (Y/n) clicked her tongue and opened her message. With barely half a mind awake, she read through the messages to the best she can until she reached the end of the thread.

"PWAH-" she accidentally let out a laugh that would have definitely woken up Semi who was sleeping beside her in the same bed, which was what happened a few seconds later.

"(Y/n)? Why are you still awake?" he asked before noticing the bright screen in her hands. "What are you looking at?"

Now that Semi was awake, the (h/c-ette) sat up in her bed and turned on the lamp on her nightstand. "Here, read this."

Semi propped himself up onto his elbow and read through the one-sided conversation from Iwaizumi while (Y/n) scrolled through the messages for him..


Congratulations on the wedding! Sorry I couldnt make it

It's fine! I understand 😔



You can't believe who I met here in Irvine.

Ushijima of all people?? What a small world we live in.

He said he plans on playing for one foreign team or another someday, and his father has lived here for years, he was invited to watch his team practice.

Also remember the guy I wanted to intern for? Utsui Takashi?



We ended up getting coffee together and surprisingly caught up with each other.

I didnt expect to be catching up with this guy of all people tbh

but it was nice

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