[23] Good Luck

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Izumi: im accidentally forcing myself to write more for this book because im excited to write about the future and i got too distracted with getting the references that i ended up writing like 2-3 chapters worth.



While (Y/n) was focused on the match, two figures came up to her. She only noticed their presence when one of them poked her cheek after taking the empty seats next to her (Oikawa moved to the railings).

"Are you thinking about your boyfriend?" Hanamaki teased as he continued poking her cheek.

"Do you wanna seeee him?" Matsukawa joined in.

"He's in the stadium somewhere, y'knowww"

"Maybe if you shout his name, he will come hereeee."

A vein popped and two smacks were heard.

On with Chapter 23:


Currently, Matsukawa and Hanamaki had bumps on top of their heads as they continued watching Karasuno's match against Tokonami.

'That's the 5th service ace..' (Y/n) commented about Kageyama while watching the second set. 'He's really grown a lot.'


In the end, Karasuno won the match with a score of 2-0.

"Do they realize they have another match this afternoon?" Kindaichi rhetorically asked. "Huh?"

"I mean, it was impossible for the other team to make a comeback." Kindaichi said. "They should've conserved their energy."

"I'm glad they didn't. We got to see them be serious." Oikawa said. "Although, we didn't get to see the freak quick." He then turned towards (Y/n), "Did you get enough info, (N/n)?" he asked.

"Yeah." she replied after keeping her notebook in her bag before proceeding to walk down the spectator stand.

"The match on that court's done too. Dateko won handedly." Hanamaki said. "So it'll be Karasuno versus Dateko. Who will win?" Kindaichi said.

"Let's go. It won't matter if we don't win." Iwaizumi said before walking out of the stands with Kindaichi and Hanamaki followed behind him.

Oikawa didn't move but instead stared at Karasuno, more specifically Kageyama. "C'mon, let's go." (Y/n) said as she gently pushed the setter towards the exit.


While the team went to the court to prepare and warm up for their first game of the day, the managers did their usual duties and went out to fill up the water bottles.

"Hey, they're from Aoba Johsai."

"There's two managers now??"

As usual, people were fawning over them from a distance while they were at the water fountain. Two guys were about to walk up towards them, when two other figures reached the managers first.

"Hey there, cutie. Are you free later?"

(Y/n) turned to the voice to turn him down, when she noticed it was actually her boyfriend. 

"Eita!" a big smile made onto her face as she quickly put down the water bottle she was holding to throw herself into his arms.

Seeing the happy couple, the two guys backed off, seeing how she was taken and they couldn't try to talk to her or the other one anyways.

"Ah, hello to you too, Shirabu-kun." (Y/n) greeted the second year who greeted back. She wasn't as close as she is to the Shiratorizawa third years compared she to the second and first years, so she still uses their last names.

Meanwhile, Amako was confused.

"Ah, this is Takahashi Amako. She's a first year manager." (Y/n) helped to introduce the lost looking girl who then bowed slightly to greet the boys.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Semi Eita, a third year setter for Shiratorizawa." he introduced himself before looking at Shirabu to do the same. "Shirabu Kenjiro, second year setter."

(Y/n) and Semi continued talking for a bit with their juniors were waiting for them. Even when the managers had finished filling up all the bottles, the couple still continued having their conversation.



No words were exchanged by the other two until Amako finally gathered enough courage to speak. "S-So, Shirabu-san, how long have you been in volleyball for?" she stuttered, meeting new people isn't her strong suit.

"Since...middle school?" he answered unsurely, not exactly remembering when he started.

Because of his short and direct answer, silence loomed over them once again. "W-What about you, Takahashi-san? Why did you decide to join the volleyball team this year?"

Amako took a few seconds to think of the perfect answer although there was no right or wrong. "I didn't really join this year. I've actually been a manager since middle school." she answered. "And to be honest, I joined because of (Y/n)-senpai.." she admitted as a blush started appearing onto her face.

Before Shirabu could ask about it, (Y/n) butted in.

"Amako, let's go back now. Sorry to keep you waiting." she apologized before saying goodbye to the two setters and walked away with her junior and the filled water bottles. 

She suddenly stopped in her tracks a few steps away and turned back towards the boys. Taking large strides, she stopped in front of her boyfriend, cupped his face and brought him to her height.


Semi's face became very red. "Good luck, Eita." (Y/n) wished before going back to Amako and pulled her away.

Even when their figures are gone from sight, Semi was still staring at the direction they went in. Honestly, he was still processing about the good luck kiss he had just received.

"...Semi-san, are you okay?"



extra info:

- i definitely did not get lazy for the tokonami match mhm nope

- usually, girls would join the club as managers for oikawa, but amako actually joined for y/n (i mean who wouldn't)

- amako knew about y/n's boyfriend because of the news that was spread around the school (in chapter 21), but she didn't know who it was until now.

- it is NOT confirmed that amako will end up with shirabu after i read the comments for the previous chapter. 🙂 and also because i just indirectly asked her about it like 3 days ago


Izumi: i want to make another book like this but inarizaki. but i have like 10 other books in drafts and another 20 ideas in my head and another 20 in google docs somebody stop me please

update: i have thought of a title for the inarizaki book. why didnt anyone stop me >>>>>>>:/

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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