15.1 ▌Fading

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THE MOMENT she was inside the spacious hall of the library, Elise turned to the two women who were an expert at acting invisible behind her. Both corners of her lips raised as she observed the cowering maids. Aricson did not tell her anything but she could definitely gain information somewhere else.

"Do you have an idea what happened to that woman's husband? I believe her name is May."

"I heard he is fading, Miss." Dell answered.

"Fading? Is that the name of the diseases?" she probed further and took a seat.

"Yes, Miss, but it is not a disease. May insisted it is poisoning."

"You're wrong, Dell. Lord Gustavious himself confirmed his fading came naturally," Aya inserted.

"It's only because Lord Gustavious cannot do anything regardless if it's poisoning or not—"

"Dell!" Aya quickly bowed and lowered Dell's head as well. "I beg for forgiveness, Miss! Dell is not usually like this. She is just new so we hope you don't misunderstand her words."

A smile became more evident on Elise's face. Her first impression of them was timid but she did not know that Dell had some bluntness on her.

"It's alright. You two can leave."

She already got the information she needed and she worked best alone.

"Yes, Miss," the two spoke simultaneously and ushered themselves out.

After the door clicked closed, she dashed to the row of shelves and overhauled the whole medicine section.

IT DID not take long for Elise to find the meaning of the term 'fading'. Most of the books generally wrote it was the phase when the magic left the body but her forehead wrinkled as she read more.

Page fluttered before it joined the pile on the floor. The whole section was a complete clutter but she still could not find anything relevant.

Everything was too vague yet very specific. It stated the process in detail but not a single book mentioned a cure. She grabbed another only to find the same content.

Fading was defined when a person with magic suffered insurmountable pain, disabling them to move and their skin became sensitive. It can be caused by poison or when the magic was depleted and the body could not handle the change. Their elements were their life force and when fading began, it disrupted the flow and would cause death exactly eight hours once it started.

From Elise's understanding, it was basically an illness with a ticking time bomb. Unlike other ailments she encountered where there were still days or even months, this consisted of only hours.

If she gave a conclusion on the best method to handle it based on the symptoms, one should mollify the pain and fix the erratic elemental flow. The only problem was the elemental flow was a special vein that only existed in this world.

A deep exhale reverberated in the empty room. There was nothing she could gain from reading if she did not see it in person.

"I guess, I really need to meet the patient..."

Aricson warned her several times before they separated but she was not the kind to sit idly when there was a patient in hand, especially one that was begging for help.

She may be in another world but she proved their medications were similar to her world and that boosted her certitude. She was aware of the limitations and she could not just rely on luck but for the past month, she had proven that this case could be solved easily.

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