14.1 ▌The Association of Humana

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Year 3988, 30th Day of the 8th Moon
Ember Isle, Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

ARICSON WAS acting normally. It seemed like Elise was the only one affected by what happened three nights ago.

Her whole body shook with restrained fumes as she crushed the herbs while he was just there reading his papers, undisturbed. She didn't like how he was so calm with everything these past few days like nothing happened.

'Like he didn't see me half-naked, my god!'

Her whole mien may be confident and tough but she was honestly conservative when it came to relationships. The sole reason why all three of her exes didn't reach past her neck.

Yet, one thing that confused her was how she didn't have any inhibitions with Aricson who she just met after a couple of weeks.

"Why are you here?" she snarled, notwithstanding the silence anymore.

He simply lifted his brow as if it was a dumb question. She ignored his mocking look and questioned him again.

"You have your study room so why are you being a nuisance here?" she added, putting down the pestle to stare directly at his calm ruby eyes.

"Hm. As far as I can recall, I've been staying here for several days. It perplexed me why you're complaining now?"

'Well... That's true...' He did have a point and besides, he owned the place but her patience had reached its limits today. She did not like how indifferent he was. 

She mentally shook her head. Why did she care? It shouldn't matter to her since she resolved herself to stop herself from falling further.

"So what? I don't want to see your face here," she muttered.

"What made you so irate these days? Did something happen?"

She ignored the worry in his voice before speaking. "If you're not gonna leave, then I'll be the one to go."

Her threat fell on deaf ears. Her face wrinkled as she stood up. She never backed down to her words.

Elise tried to walk past him but she was pulled by a strong hand. She stumbled on her feet and landed on his knees. His arms perfectly encircled her waist and he continued reading.

"W-what are you d-doing?" Her breath quickened along with her pulse. This was their closest contact after the small incident in her room.

Elise squirmed to break free, her body felt small trapped in his.

"Stop. I can't concentrate," Aricson complained.

"Then, let me go, you jerk."

"Should you really insult your lover?"

Her eyes almost jumped out from her sockets. "L-l-lover?"

'How on earth did it even come to that?'.

"I've seen almost half of your body so I'm willing to take responsibility. Therefore, that makes me your lover," Aricson explained as nonchalant as usual.


"You were asking me how. I'm just stating the facts. What I did was disrespectful to a woman. Father always told us to take responsibility for our actions and we should only be intimate to the woman we care for."

"Are you kidding me? What about Erkhan?" Her whole mind was shaken from what he was implying and the lies he was spewing. It was as if he was a virgin.

Charmed [✔]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora