18.2 ▌The Harbinger

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Year 3988, 16th Day of the 9th Moon
Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

THREE DAYS passed after Aricson and Elise officially became a couple. Nothing had really changed aside from the fact that they were both swamped.

The only bright side of this was they were now spending time together with how the library had been fully converted into their working space. She became a witness of how hectic he was with knights coming every now and then or an orb would magically float in the air.

Contrary to what she thought, she did not have an ounce of annoyance with all the disturbance. Everyone was walking on eggshells and even before the orbs could activate, Aricson already cast a spell while she did her thing without any disruption.

"Miss, is this it?"

Water splashed the moment she heard someone. Half of her face sunk when her hand slipped from the surprise. All her reminiscing died away as she got up and turned to see Aya who was holding a wristwatch.

"Yes, thank you. Please put it in the dresser," she said as she got out of the tub.

Dell quickly assisted her and wrapped her with a towel. At first, it was weird to have someone do such minor chores for her but their persistence won.

They dressed her up while she listed the things she needed to do in her mind. There was still zero progress on the light element and she was currently stuck on her research. She might need to ask Aricson to bring her to the Medical City today.

She wanted somebody's opinion and Gustavious was the sole person she could ask. He and Aricson were the only ones who knew about her experiment.

If he allowed to, it could also be a date for them. It was killing two birds with one stone. She fiddled with the watch, grinning foolishly at what they should do later. It was already plenty that they spend time together despite their tasks but having a date was a different matter.

"Miss, pardon my rudeness, but can I ask something?" Aya questioned after they were done.

"What is it?"

"That is quite... a unique artifact, Miss. Can I ask where you got it from, Miss?"

She arched a brow. Even if her maids did not talk too much, it was usually Dell who spoke more about little things. Perhaps something like a wristwatch did not exist in this world that even made such an austere individual like Aya to be curious.

"This was a gift."

"Oh. It's beautiful, Miss."

"I agree, Miss. It's so convenient than a pocket watch," Dell inserted.

Aya sharply faced Dell and sent her a glare before facing Elise. "Ah, please excuse our hasty remarks again, Miss."

"It's okay."

Elise got up while Dell opened the door. Aricson's hand that was about to knock hung in midair.

"Good morning," she greeted, slowly getting used to being fetched before they would proceed to the dining hall.

"Good morning," he returned while the servants dispersed themselves.

"By the way, here." She handed him the golden watch. "It's real gold, for your information, and it might not be much but this is my repayment."

The growing debts of his family were already uncountable. He had done so much but she did nothing in exchange. When she realized the fact, her obstinate pride would not let her sleep unless she gave something in return.

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