24.2 ▌The Blue Moon Ritual

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MIDWAY UPON their stroll, Elise was pulled by Aricson towards the man who had piles of folded clothes behind him. The stranger was distributing blue cloaks to everyone who passed by.

"My lord," the man greeted with an accommodating smile when they reached him.


"Here, my lord. Enjoy the Moon Festival."

Aricson took out the cloak from its wrapper and handed it to her.

"Huh? What's this for?" she questioned but still put it on.

"It's almost time for the Blue Moon Ritual and everyone was required to dress in blue."

'No wonder.' She honestly thought everyone simply enjoyed dressing up in various shades of blue to fit the whole color scheme of their surroundings.

They continued to wander. It was as if their time left had no limit. The two talked about numerous things but avoided any subject that would lead to a huge problem lurking between them. None of them dared to pry about the elephant in the room.

"Weird. How come everyone's bowing to you? I remember it happened during our trip too. Are you that popular?" she probed with a hint of teasing as they ventured to the mass of people in the street.

"It's not that. They probably recognize me from the Ancient Clan because of my eyes," he clarified. "It's the sign of lineage of the Flamion so they all know I'm part of the Clan."

"I see."

Aricson looked over his watch. A trace of emotion flickered in his eyes and his hands tightened on her.

"It's time."

The smile on her face froze. She tried to withstand the rising ache from her chest.

"Okay. What should we do?"

"Let's go to the temple."

Both of them walked in silence. The atmosphere became bleaker with each second passing.

Elise's mind ran into turmoil. 'Will this really work? Will I really go home?'

Failures often happened in experiments. Doing one meant not expecting a hundred percent result but Elise never did anything without a full guarantee. This would be the first time she would do something with a little to no passing rate.

However, deep inside, she welcomed the possibility of failure but at the same time, there was a strong desire to return. 'My family is still waiting for me....'

Her eyes traveled to Aricson's. The pleasant heavenly glow of their surroundings highlighted his profile in a way that enticed onlookers. She could not believe that this man fell in love with her. It was the right person but at the wrong time and most of all, the wrong place.

He was her sole comfort in this world. The only one who knew and accepted the real her who had nothing.

The witch told her she belonged in this world yet without Aricson she could not completely say the same. His presence made her welcomed and maybe it was also him that made it easier to accept this world.

Here, she was able to meet the person she loved. This place made her explore her passion with no judging eyes. She encountered the magical world where everything felt so wrong yet so right.

While she was in deep thought, they already arrived at the temple. It was the same white structure from the temple they visited weeks ago but only smaller in scale.

"Greetings, Rei. Her Holiness is waiting at the Rite Chamber," the temple servant said once they stepped inside.

"I understand. Take us there."

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