16.2 ▌The Overseers of Elith

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ELISE WOULD have traded anything to ride a Vermilion than a Dragon. The rough scales sliding on the sides of her legs were making her itchy and no doubt she preferred the softness of a Vermilion.

She secured her hold of Isabella, hanging to her like it was dear life. Elise tried to be comfortable but it was to no avail. Turning her head, she cast a pleading look behind Aricson but he only offered a slight smile.

'This is not something a smile can reassure!'  She wanted to scream as her eyes moved to the man on his back.

If not for Exel, she would not need to ride a dragon in the first place.

They explained that a familiar, which pertains to these two gigantic creatures, was sacred to their owner and they should not ride it with anyone, particularly if it was the opposite gender. The backseat of their saddle was only specially meant for their partner in life. That reason was such a traditional view and now she had to suffer the anxiety of this humongous creature.

'Hello? What about people who like the same gender?' A couple could be comprised of two men, did it not count as a partner? Supposing that two girls ride at the same time, they could have something going on between them as well, just like how a man and woman riding at the same time could simply be friends. She wanted so badly to retort that earlier but Isabella already lifted her to the back of her dragon.

But then again, she remembered riding with Erkhan and Faylinn at one point but the most prominent memory was her ride with Aricson when he saved her. Did that mean something as well? Or maybe it was due to urgency?

Her rambling thoughts persisted until she heard Isabella.


The swift shift of air came in a second. Her knuckles turned white as she fastened her grasp. The wind pressure kept on buzzing her ears. Silver tresses assaulted her face, and she had to keep her eyes and mouth shut as they glided below.

Unlike the Vermilions, they mounted on an angular trajectory but this one was diving directly at almost a ninety-degree angle. Her bottom rose from the saddle and dread overruled her.

A rollercoaster could not even compare. There was no safety gear and only a piece of clothing was her lifeline. It became faster and faster and she could only scream her heart out.

Seeming like an eternity had passed, they finally reached the ground yet it was as if her soul was left up in the sky. Her world was still spinning and bile was rising in her throat. She quickly slid down but her legs were useless as they shook tremendously.

She was not able to hold back and chucked up. All the food she ate was a disgusting mess that landed on Isabella's blue gown.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I—" She backed up but her sudden movement caused her imbalance.

It appeared like she would not die from murder or other heinous acts but from her own foolishness. She waited for the fall that would most likely result in to head injury but two arms caught her.

"Are you alright?"

Aricson's voice had coincided with a burst of laughter that could reach a hundred meters away.

"Goddamn! I haven't laughed like this for centuries! You're so entertaining, Elise!" Exel exclaimed in between fits.

"Err, please let me go."

Aricson complied and she went to Isabella and apologized again. This absolutely topped her most embarrassing moments.

"Fine. Floian."

When her lips closed again, the vomit disappeared and her dress was as pristine as the time they met. Even her hair was as neat as if they didn't have a wild ride. Elise unconsciously brushed the straying strands, hers should be a bird's nest from all that.

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