06.2 ▌Hadrien's Accident

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ELISE COLLAPSED on the stool. It felt like she had just come out from performing surgery. To add, it was her first time doing a serious case using the ancient medical treatment and she had no one assisting her. Mostly, she practiced with some volunteers or her family but it was normally simple headaches and body pains.

The woman they met earlier at the shop stormed inside the room. "What happened I only received the orb after I exited the Central."

"Nothing. It was just a life and death situation for our younger brother," Dryann responded haughtily.

"How is he now?" Arllian looked worried and turned in the direction of Hadrien.

"He's fine. No thanks to you," Dryann bit back.

Elise now believed that this woman actually hated everyone except for her family.

"Dryann! That's enough," Brennan cut in. "Please check on him, Arllian."

Arllian went to Hadrien and checked his pulse and body.

"He's all fine," Arllian notified.

She heard sighs of relief. It seemed like they were still doubtful of her but she understood them. 'Who wouldn't?' If an amnesiac, even if it was just a ruse, treated their loved one in a critical situation, she wouldn't trust them either.

"However, it's strange. You told me he's poisoned but he's completely alright." Arllian probed.

"He was a while ago. He got poisoned by the thousand bloom," Brennan answered for her.

Arllian's gasps, her eyes returning to Hadrien. "What? How come he's not bleeding?"

"It's thanks to Elise," Erkhan beamed. "She cured him all by herself. Even without magic!"

"But that's impossible. The cure would not take effect quickly even with magic. Much less with none. It will take for mostly three days and he needed to be covered with bandages but I checked his pulse and his blood flow was normal," Arllian said as her voice reflected her perplexion.

"It was because the cure does not contain an herb that would replenish blood. The herbs used for closing the pores are also too weak. The process also does not tell to wipe the blood which was wrong since the poison was in the blood and the body should be cleaned. The poison would be extracted from the body with the help of the flowing blood which would not happen if the body was bandaged," she explained, making them gape in awe except for Aricson on the corner.

"Wow. That's awesome, Elise, even if I don't understand anything," Erkhan praised.

"You're amazing," Faylinn chimed in.

"Are you also a Healer? How come I did not even see you once in Medical City?" Arllian questioned.

"I don't have any memories so I don't know," she lied.

"Really? Then how did you do it?" Arllian pressed curiously, her interest was apparently caught.

"I read about the thousand bloom since it had the same effect with shard fish although a lot more lethal. I noticed some flaws and those were the things I mentioned earlier so I searched for some other ingredients that would help to retain the purpose of the medicine but make it more effective. Instead of mixing glass petals, I used the autumn barks as a substitute so it would extract the poison from the body instead of closing the pores. I also mixed some lotus powder which is good to replenish blood and does not counter any effects of the other herbs. In fact, it even helps to make mixtures more effective," she tried to enlighten them.

"How about the closing of the pores? It's a crucial part. Even if you took out the poison if you cannot stop the bleeding. it will still result in death," Arllian scrutinized, looking awed and confused.

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