12.4 ▌Contributor of Medical City

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ELISE HAD a good time catching up with Hadrien and she actually enjoyed Sapphire's company before they went back to the carriage. Only this time, she and Aricson were left alone. To avoid unnecessary trouble, she dozed off the whole ride. It felt like hours but they had not arrived yet after she woke up.

They were heading to Medical City which was located in the Blackwood Kingdom, opposite the Fliamma Kingdom according to Aricson.

She peeked outside the window and all she could see where the abundance of nature. On her left were mountains obstructing her view while on her right were expansive fields stretched to the sea. Another hour had passed until the carriage halted.

"Don't let anyone, particularly Healers touch your pulse, understand?" Aricson warned before they could step outside.


"There was no doubt they would be skeptical how a mundane has multi-colored hair."

She instantly inclined her head. Aricson knocked on the roof of the carriage and the servant opened the door. Not far from them was a man with long black hair tied and gathered on his left shoulder and dressed in a white suit atop a silver coat.

He had a kind smile and gentle eyes. He resembled a lovely middle-aged man neighbor who was very friendly to everyone. Upon closer inspection, he had evident wrinkles and laugh lines but no one could deny he was a handsome man in his prime. 

"Lord Gustavious," Aricson called.

"Rei Aricson." The man bowed. "I am very sorry for the delay of your request, sire."

"It is in the past, Lord Gustavious. I am here to assist my friend, Elise," he said and they both turned to her.

She learned from Orin that Gustavious was known as the founder of Medical City. He was regarded respectfully even among all nobles and seeing that even Aricson called him 'Lord' despite having higher status meant that he was revered.

She curtsied right away. "Good day, Lord Gustavious. I am pleased to meet your acquaintance."

"Likewise, young miss. I never dreamed one day this young lord would introduce a woman to me," the man commented, his lips lifting more as he spoke. "So what do I owe this pleasure for?"

"She would like to take the Healer Qualifications," came Aricson's straightforward reply.

Gustavious gestured his hand to the grand staircase behind him and spoke, "Is that so? Let me lead you upstairs."

AS SOON as they entered the huge gates at the landing, Elise gawked and her eyes couldn't be bigger. Ever since she arrived in this world she was always encountering surprise after surprise. She thought she was acclimated to it already but what was in front of her made her mouth drop to the floor once again.

"Welcome to Medical City," Gustavious announced as she took the entirety of her surroundings.

Hexagonal windows were framed with gold plates stacked together in an estimated five rows that ran vertically. Its transparent glass covered up to the ceiling and showcased the people inside who were rummaging and doing their own things. 

Noise from all sides buzzed her ears. Unfortunately, this place had no concept of soundproofing. The utter chaos and fast-paced rhythm of working reminded her of an animated movie about bees. 

She twisted to the left and an endless field could be seen even from her standpoint. It certainly deserved to be called a city on how vast it was.

"We house all qualified Healers here. Once they passed, they will have their own space and can have access to all our medicinal plants. They also have the right to choose who to aid and can pursue more advancement as a Healer," the elderly man added, his voice rising to be heard from the relentless sounds.

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