27.2 ▌Truth To Be Known

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BODIES THUDDED on the ground one after another. Aricson watched as they fell without nobody lifting a finger, or the opportunity to do so. His gaze immediately directed to the person in front of him.

The unconcerned gait of the Regis was apparent while he strode with assurance as if he was walking on his own terrains, seemingly bleak like the biting winds seeping into Aricson's skin. Damp air circulated within the stone walls and the breeze only intensified the further they ventured.

Aricson tightened his coat but it did nothing to ease the cold. Magic could easily solve his problem if not for the place they were currently at.

As someone with an elemental flow, the Abandoned Grounds of Desmidonia were somewhere they avoided if they must. It was an area filled with ancient magic no one could decipher and no spirit could enter.

If this was a ploy of the Regis, there was no doubt Aricson would succumb as those people who sprawled on their path. Nevertheless, he had no option but to trust the king of the demons.

For the Regis to show himself and declare such words, there was no doubt in his mind but to believe him.

The concave arch of the ceiling became wider and more people appeared. But, they could not even reach a meter before they feebly fall on the graveled dirt.

Aricson's face became more distorted the more he witnessed this impossible scene. He would not believe it if he had not seen it with his very own eyes.

Those people were all members of the Abyss Faction. This organization consisted of every race from what he had observed but none stood a chance. With how powerful the Regis was, he could annihilate all races.

Still, Aricson's mouth was sealed. He was not an insensitive person not to know his boundaries.

The two men continued their way into the dimmed cave until they reached a place that resembled a prison with all the metal doors embedded on the solid rock walls. The Regis walked with no pause and opened the door at the far end.

"Damn it!" the Regis grumbled. This time the change in his expression became obvious and those dormant green irises became a flashing red in the lowly lit room.

However, it returned to normal before Aricson could react. He went to the Regis side and saw nothing inside.

"What happened?" he asked.

"They're gone, boy, and we're in deep shit. They must already be in his chamber."

"We should hurry then." Aricson spun on his feet but hearing no movement from the Regis, he turned around once more. "Won't you come?"

An uncharacteristic deep sigh left Regis's lips. "For fvck's sake, I don't want to meet him," he grumbled under his breath.


"Do you know why we walked and I have not teleported?" he asked, without any context.

Aricson was wondering that too since they arrived inside the cave entrance with just a snap of his hand. He simply shook his head as a reply.

"Because the moment I do, we'll be instantly directed to the chamber."

There was a subtle furrow on Aricson's brow. "Isn't that we're currently heading to?"

Another deep breath escaped the Regis's mouth instead of answering. The Regis looked up with defeat. "You owe me one, Aevum!"

Aricson's stare toward the Regis grew stranger. He did not understand what was going on and merely waited for the Regis next words. Just as he expected, the Regis focused his eyes on him.

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