06.1 ▌Hadrien's Accident

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Year 3988, 1st Day of the 8th Moon
Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

THEY CONTINUED to stroll along the streets as Faylinn kept on buying things that were mostly for Elise and Erkhan was the one who was carrying it all.

"I think I can carry some," she tried offering help.

"It's fine. Erkhan can handle it," Faylinn brushed off.

"I don't even need some of this stuff," she said glancing at the jewelry boxes atop the large boxes that contained clothes.

Erkhan just smiled at her. "Let her be. You cannot stop Faylinn from doing what she wants. You're in your late teens, am I right?"

"Nope. I'm already twenty-one. Why?"

"The younger twins are eighteen. Your age is a lot closer to them so she acts like that. She just wanted a little sister to dress up," Erkhan told as his voice sounded melancholy for a second before his cheery expression returned. "That makes me twenty-two years older than you by the way."

"What?!" Her eyes were wide and her mouth hanging. She could never get used to their age.

"You're funny. You always looked like you were stunned. Must be the side-effects from losing memories." He even chuckled after he spoke.


They were interrupted by Faylinn's shout. She was running towards them as if someone was chasing her. Her cheerful expression was gone and replaced with agitation.

"We need to go home. Faster! Hadrien was poisoned!"

The panic in Erkhan's face did not escape her eyes. He immediately whistled and a giant bird emerged over the bustling streets. It landed right in front of them and they hastily rode on its back. A few seconds later, they were up in the sky.

Everything happened so fast. Faylinn was in a state of panic, then now they were flying. She could not even react after seeing the dread look on their faces. Faylinn could not stop fidgeting behind her the whole ride while Erkhan's profile loomed with darkness.

An hour from the carriage a while ago became just a quarter of minutes when they reached the palace. Nausea rose from her throat but she had no time to wallow over it and they quickly rushed inside.

All of the siblings were there with a pair of servants assisting Hadrien. The elderly man from the morning was also there beside Aricson. When she finally had a clear view of the younger Flamion, her gut wretched. 

She had seen a lot during her time at the hospital but the amount of blood in front of her made her wonder if Hadrien was still even alive. It was as if all the pores were poked and excreted blood all over. He laid unconscious with a paleness that was almost as white as the sheet due to the contrast of the scarlet liquid all over his body and drenching his clothes.

"How did it happen?" Erkhan asked right away.

"From the looks of it, he seemed like he ventured to the borders again and met an accident. The poison in him can only be found in Desmidonia," Aricson calmly spoke.

"We have to call the Healers," Faylinn stated with haste.

"Gerald already called for them through the orbs but no one has yet responded. The Guardian knights had been dispatched. We also sent our fastest carriage to Medical City but it will take some time. Two hours at most." It was Brennan who answered.

"Why did it happen at such a bad time? Especially, with all of our Healers on leave," Dryann complained. Her frowning face was nowhere to be seen. She was biting her lip as she paced back and forth.

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