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I can't believe this shit bro. This shit is unreal.
Tears rolled down my face as I stared at the wall in so much pain. Why me? Why us? What have we done?
All those questions was going brazy in my head. Jilly, Juice, Aja and Aaliyah was talking to me but I had zoned out. It took some time to get myself together. Once I got myself together we left and went back in the room. I seen that Indigo was gone.

"Where's Indigo??" I asked

"Her, T and Storme went to the bathroom down the hall..." Sanjay said and I nodded

Aaliyah helped back in bed. Once I got comfortable in the bed Indigo and the rest came back into the room. I looked at her and her eyes was puffy and red. I prolly looked the same. She looked up at me and she had so much sorrow in her eyes. She looked like she just wanted to say IM SORRY so many times. She finally looked away and sat by the door, not looking at me again. I was so confused as to why she wasn't coming to me so we could comfort each other. I was just looking at her but she was in her phone not pay me no mind.

Everyone stayed for another hour then they left until later. When they left Indigo got up, grabbed her duffle bag and went into the bathroom. This is a nice hospital so they have showers in the rooms. I heard the shower running so I assumed she was bathing. I was watching tv when she got out. I'm thinking she was bout to lay with me but she sat back by the door. I was finna say something but I fought against it. Maybe she wants to deal with this how she wants to, and I'm going allow her. Maybe she's just trying to wrap her head around this. For the rest the day she sat on the couch by the door on her phone and I was watching tv. Everyone had came back around 3 to bring us food because hospital food is the fucking worst. Even tho this is a nice hospital the food is still trash. They stayed until like 6. While they were here we eat, watching tv and talking. Indigo said a few words but all in all she was quiet. Once they left Indigo got a blanket from the doctor and laid on the couch. She slept on the couch and not with me. With her acting like I don't know how to feel. I can't focus on that right now cuz in my mind it's a lot going on.

*3 days later

I've been in the hospital for 3 days and I'm finally getting let out. I'm so happy to be in the comfort of my own home and I'm happy to finally take a bath . I mean I took wash ups but I want to feel some hot water on my body.

Indigo hasn't really said anything to me. I don't know what's going on with her. I wanna ask but I don't wanna start a argument or something. So I just don't even ask. Naomi and Aaliyah came to get us and took us to Indigo's car at her job. We got in her car and headed home. We pulled up in the driveway, she cut the car off, and was finna get out. I grabbed her arm and she looked at me.

"What's wrong??" I asked looking at her

"Nothing..." she said

"I'm serious. You not acting like yourself. I know what you are going through about what happen but you don't have to act like this..." I said

"I told you wasn't nothing wrong with me. I'm fine..." she said

I looked at her for a second. She wasn't even looking at me as she talked. She's been so distant. We are always under each other but she hasn't even touched me.

"Alright..." I said not wanting to start something

She don't wanna talk about it so we not gone talk about it. We got out the car and went in the house. I'm in a little pain but I'm fine. I spoke to everybody. Jilly help me up the stairs to our room. Once I got their, I ran a hot bath cuz I'm in need of a hot bath to relax. Jilly ran the water, put Epsom salt and oil in. I thanked her and she went downstairs. Aaliyah came up, helped me out my clothes, and help me get in.

"Imma come back up and check on you..." she said and I nodded as I sat back and relaxed

As I relaxed everything just started flooding my mind.
My baby was really taken away from me. Not only was he talking away from me but from Indigo too. She was very excited to have a baby. The baby was just snatched away from us.

Indigo is acting distant. The moment we need each other the most she was being distant. I don't get it. The first day she was here for me hugging, cuddling, kissing and all that. I didn't know.

The more I got in my head and thought about everything. I just broke down. I was heartbroken, hurt, angry, and disappointed all in one.

Heartbroken and hurt because the one little person I've been looking forward to having, seeing and loving on has been taking away.

Angry because why me? Why us? Why our child? Why did he have to do this? You hate your daughter that much that you'll kill her child.

Disappointed in Indigo. I need her right now and she's not here. I'm not okay. I need her and she needs me. We need each other so I don't know why she's acting like that.

At this point tears was just falling. I couldn't stop them and quite frankly didn't want them to. I needed this cry. I've been holding in so much it's ridiculous.

"Are you okay??" Aja asked coming into the bathroom

I opened my eyes and I looked up. It was her and Jilly. I shook my head letting them know I'm not okay.

"Wanna talk about it??" Jilly asked and I nodded

The both sat down on the bathroom floor in front of the tub.

"Go ahead boo..." Aja said looking at me

I wiped my eyes, let out a deep breath and started talking.

"I can't believe my baby was taking away from me just like that. I didn't even get the chance to see him open his eyes or nothing..." I said as a tear fell down my face

"It was a boy??" Jilly asked

"Yeah. Indigo said it was a boy..." I said with a small smile
"She's been acting different..." I said looking down at my hands

"Who Indigo??" Jilly asked and I nodded

"How so??" Aja asked

"She's been very distant. I can count in my two hands how many words she has said to me. She won't even look in my eyes. She won't touch me or nothing..." I said as more tears fell

"Maybe she dealing with everything in her own way. Maybe just wanna be alone right
now..." Aja said

"I need her..." I said bawling my eyes out

"I know you do..." Jilly said rubbing my back

"Just give her some time..." Aja said caressing my hand

They sat there with me just keeping me company as I relaxed. I got up, bathe, then I got out. Aaliyah came up, put me on some lotion, and helped me into my clothes. They said Aja was cooking so I went downstairs and sat on the couch. Aja was cooking Cajun shrimp & rice with chicken tenders. While waiting for the food I look up at Indigo, she looked zoned out. I really wish she'll let me know what's wrong.

Once Aja was done cooking. Everybody got up and got their food, but my food was brung to me. We ate and watched a movie. After eating I went back upstairs, took a pain pill and laid down. I was watching tv. Around 11 Indigo came into the room and went straight to the bathroom without saying anything. I tried to stay up to talk to her when she get out. I ended up falling asleep cuz she was in there for a long time.

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