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It's been a week since everything happened. I'm still not really talking to Indigo but I'm back sleeping in our bed with her. She had bags under her eyes and she needed sleep. I know she couldn't sleep without me but I didn't know it was that bad. I know I'm mad at her but I couldn't let her not get sleep and not having any energy. The first night I slept back in the bed. She was stuck to my side and was sleep all day. Even tho she didn't say it, when I got up I know she didn't want me to.

I was currently in the kitchen cooking, Liyah and Naomi was in the front and Indigo was in the room. I put the chicken in the stove and went upstairs. When I got up there I seen Indigo on my side of the bed, wrapped up in the cover and sleep. I smiled and shook my head. Evening tho she get on my nerves, she's the cutest ☺️
I grabbed my phone, took a picture of her and headed back downstairs. I sat at the island on my phone waiting on the food to get done. Once it was done I fixed Liyah and Naomi food then I went upstairs to wake Indigo up. I went into the room to get her up but she looked too comfortable I didn't wanna wake her. I decided let her sleep and just warm her food up once she wake up. I went back downstairs, fixed my food, and joined Liyah 'em on the couch.

"Sooo mom is talking about coming down again..." Liyah said looking at me

"No right now..." I whined a bit
"Indigo and I aren't really seeing eye to eye and I don't need her coming here stirring up shit making it worse..." I said pouting

"Yeah cuz last time it was too much..." she said and I nodded

We finished eating, I cleaned the kitchen then went to check on Indigo again. I walked in the door and she was just opening her eyes.

"You want some to eat??" I asked her as she stretched

"Yeah..." she said yawning

I went back downstairs to warm up the food. I heard her coming downstairs and she spoke to Liyah and Naomi. She didn't come into the kitchen so assumed she was sitting in the front room. I finished warming up her food then gave it to her. After that I went up to the room cut on some music to clean up. I started with the closet. I started fixing our shoes, hung up clothes that was on the floor and hanging up clothes that's been washed. I fixed my purses and other shit. When I was done with that I stripped our bed from our old stuff and put on new stuff I bought. I bought a new comforter, new sheets, new pillows and pillow cases. Once I was done with that. I took everything out my vanity, clean inside it and round it. I placed everything back neatly then I went to the bathroom to clean my makeup brushes and beauty blenders. I sat them on the pad to dry and sat them by the sink. I went back to the room and fixed our perfume, cologne and lotion on our stands then I went to deep clean the bathroom. I cleaned under the cabinets, around the sink, the whole toilet, and I cleaned the tub. I threw things away that we didn't use and things that was empty. I organized our hair and face products under the cabinet. Once I was done I was a lil exhausted but I was glad I got everything done. I ran me a hot bath, I put Epsom salt and essential oils to relax. I grabbed myself a big towel and 2 little towel. I change my playlist to my tub playlist. Once the water was done, I stripped outta my clothes and got in. Soon as the hot water hit my body, I let out a sigh, relaxed my body, laid back and closed my eyes. I cleared my mind as I listening to the music

"Baby, Baby..." I felt Indigo shaking me

Open my eyes and seen Indigo looking down at me.

"Don't you think you should be sleeping in the bed not in the tub??" She asked

"I wasn't sleep..." I lied

"You sure??" She asked with a smile and I nodded
"Whatever you say Little one..." she said leaving out the bathroom laughing

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