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Today hasn't been a good day. I feel like I'm irritating everybody today. Today I was talking with Liyah, she got irritated with me, yelled at me and walked off. Now Indigo is irritated with me. Or maybe these are my hormones tripping.

Indigo and I was in the mall. I bored so I started doing little things. I was poking Indigo, calling her name but didn't want anything. Mocking her when she was talking to me. After a while I saw she was getting irritated so I stop and just was quiet.

We were in a store and Indigo was finding her something to put on tonight. Tonight we were invited to a family dinner by Naomi's family. Indigo had already got my outfit, we just had to find her something. Once she found something, we were standing in line but I had to pee.

"I got to use the restroom..." I told Indigo

"We'll go after I pay..." she says and I nodded

The line wasn't moving and I felt like I was bought to pee on myself.

"I can't hold it, I'll be back..." I said walking off before she could say anything

I speed walked to the bathroom, got into a stall and peed. I let out a loud sigh as I emptied my bladder. It seems like the twins be sitting on my bladder and I can never hold it. I can cough and I'll pee a lil. Don't let me sneeze, if I sneeze it's over cuz I done peed all over myself.

Anyways I wiped myself, walked out and washed my hand. I was drying my hand when Indigo walked into the bathroom.

"What is wrong with you??" She asked looking at me with her eyebrow raised

"What??" I asked

"I told you to never walk away from me when we are out in public..." she said

"I know but I really had to pee. And I couldn't hold it cuz it feel like the twins are on my bladder..." I said softly

I hate getting yelled at, especially by her. My throat was burning and I felt like I was going to cry. But I composed myself and didn't let my hormones take me over.

"Come on..." she said holding her hand out

I took it and we started walking out the mall. We walked in the food court and I instantly got hungry.

"Are we going to get something to eat??" I asked looking up at Indigo

"Baby we just ate..." she said

"It's been a hour and a half almost two hours since we ate. But nevermind..." I said

"If you want something to eat let's go get it..." she said looking at me

"It's alright..." I said

"Mari..." she says calling by name

"We can leave, that's alright..." I said

We stood there for a few looking at each other. She kissed her teeth and we headed to the car. We got to the car, she opened the door for me, put the bags in the car and we left.

"Do you want something to eat before we go home??" She asked and shook my head

She let out a sigh and cut up the music. I turned towards the window and laid my head on the headrest. When we made it home, I got out, waited on her to open the door and I went straight upstairs. I just went into the room cuz I was tired of irritating people. I took off those clothes then my lashes and got in bed. I was watching tv and ended up falling asleep.

I was woken up by being shook. I opened my eyes and Indigo was standing over me.

"It's time to get ready..." she says and I nodded

I got up and was bout to walk into the bathroom but she grabbed my arm. I turned to look at her. She pulled me to her and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry about early. I was irritated and I took it out on you. I should've never done that cuz you didn't do anything. I'm sorry..." she said looking in my eyes

I nodded with a smile.

"You forgive me??" She asked

"Yes..." I said hugging her

She brung my face to hers and peaked my lips twice. I went into the bathroom, did what I needed and started getting ready. While getting ready I went downstairs to fixed my sandwich with a bag lays and some juice. Once I was done, went back upstairs, sat on the bed and started eating.

"Baby we don't have that much time left..." i
Indigo says walking the bathroom

"It's not gone take me long..." I said before biting the sandwich

Once I was done, Indigo helped my into my dress and I finished getting ready. Within the next 20 minutes we were both ready and headed out. We got in the car and started driving. After a while I felt I had to throw up.

"Baby I got to throw up..." I said

"Hold on..." she said

She was in the fast line and she was trying to get over. I felt it coming up. My mouth started watering, I put my hand up to my mouth and threw up. It was too much so it started falling on my dress.

"MARIIII!!" Indigo yelled as she finally got over

She pulled to the side, She got out the car and opened my side. I got out the car and instantly threw up again. This time I made a mistake and threw up on her shoes. She groaned and threw her hands up.


She was yelling at me and I was looking at everything except her to keep myself from crying. My throat was burning and I knew I wasn't far from crying.
Once she was done yelling at me, she grabbed the wipes out the car and let my wipe my hands. Also, I wiped off my dress and she wiped off her shoes. She got back on the road and had to turn around to head back to the house. When we made it home, we went upstairs but I went into the bathroom. Soon as I went into the bathroom I started crying. I hate being yelled at, I hate irritated people and I hate being a bother.

"Mari come on, you need to change your dress..." I heard Indigo say from the other side of the door

"Okay..." I said wiping my eyes

I went to the drawer, pulled out some eyedrops and put it in my eyes so they wouldn't be red. After I came out the bathroom and went in the closet. I got this white off the shoulder dress and the arm were see through. I took off the other dress and Indigo helped me in this one. I put my shoes back on and we got back in the car. We started driving and 20 minutes into the drive I realized I left my phone and purse.

"Shit..." I said

"What's wrong??" She asked

"I left my purse and phone..." I said lowly

She scratched her head and took a deep breath. She turned around and headed back to the house. Once we got there, she gave me to keys and I got out.

I really didn't want to go anymore I just felt like I was bothering everybody. I was getting on Indigo nervous so it was prolly best if I stay home today.

I grabbed by phone and texted her to tell her I was staying home so she could come get the keys and go by herself.

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