25- Stohess, Part 1

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Several Days Earlier

"What's the hold up? Erwin's never late. They should be here, at this rate the damn MPs will show up first. That'd be our luck." Levi said as he took a sip of his tea. He and Eren were currently waiting for Erwin and the other scouts. "Yeah who can say. Maybe they're all taking a shit. Duty calls right?"

Eren lightly chuckled at Levi's joke. "You're uh- sure in a talkative mood today." Eren said trying to break the awkwardness between them. "So what if I am? Doesn't mean I was talking to you. Just because you're with Y/n doesn't mean you and I have to be friends. Speaking of which, where is she? I hardly ever see the two of you apart." Levi said.

"I don't know sir she only told me she had somewhere to be." Eren says and Levi scoffs in response. He places his teacup back on the saucer and lets out a small grunt in pain as he lightly grabs his thigh. "It's my fault, sir. I made the choice. If I had thought this through none of this...you wouldn't..." Eren said.

"You made a judgement call. Look no one expects you to be clairvoyant." Levi replied. Just then the door opened and in walked the others.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Erwin apologized. "Sir. What the...why are you all here?" Eren asked. His fellow cadets, including Y/n, had entered the room along with Erwin. "We believe we've uncovered the Female Titan's true identity. She won't slip away this time." Erwin said.

The soldiers walked to the table and placed down a map. "The day after tomorrow, we'll be passing through Stohess district en route to the capitol. That's when we'll strike. It will be our first and only chance to do so. Once we've set foot in the interior, the government will assume custody of Eren and the scout's authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus, unless we wish to concede defeat, we must flush out the enemy now." Erwin said to which Eren nodded.

"So here's what we do. While in Stohess we use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper the better. Get her well beneath street level with that done she should be easily immobilized even in Titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel, well at that point she'll be your responsibility, Eren." Erwin said occasionally pointing at the map to show the locations to him.

"Right. So we know she'll be in Stohess? There's no chance she'll bolt before we get there?" Eren asked. "No. She won't risk going awol." Erwin replied.

"Wait, you mean she's-"

"Armin here identified her. She's an MP, likely responsible for the deaths of Hange's test subjects. And a fellow trainee in the 104th Cadet Corp." Erwin said. Eren's breath hitched. "You can't be serious. I trained with her?" He asked. "I'm sorry but yes. She's one of us. Her name is Annie Leonhart." Erwin said.

Present time

An explosion went off as Annie transformed into the Female Titan. Debris from her transformation littered the pathway in front of them, barley missing them by no more than a few feet. Eren couldn't believe what he was seeing. "God..." Armin said in horror. Suddenly a large Titan hand was reaching into the tunnel looking for them. Mikasa grabbed Eren by the collar of his coat to get him to run while Y/n dragged Armin by his wrist.

"Dammit that ring! She must have known I was lying to her from the very beginning! She knew we were leading her into a trap. I could've, I should've taken a different approach." Armin said as they ran down the underground pathways. Annie's Titan hand was feeling around the walls looking for them.

"Save the 'should'ves' for after we're out of this. The question now is what do we do next?" Mikasa replied. Armin thought about his response for a moment. "Okay. First we rendezvous with Squad 3. Then get the hell above ground! We fight her out in the open. That means we're switching to plan B. She's all yours, Eren. Got it?" He ordered. "Yeah." Eren responded.

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