42- Dream

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Y/n woke up in an unfamiliar place. Around her, the floor was covered in sand and the sky was dark but she could clearly see around her. It was almost like it was glowing, like something illuminated the sky but it wasn't stars.

Staring up, she saw glowing lights that painted the sky. They were gorgeous and she never wanted to look away. Their lovely blue and green tint painted the night sky and made it come to life.

There were also these white trails in the sky. Unlike the lights in the sky they seemed to be leading to a single point, like they were paths. Out of her own curiosity she decided to follow them until she found where they lead to.

It felt like she had been walking for ages, but at the same time like she had only walked for a few seconds. The world around her was endless, nothing but sand for miles and miles. But eventually she reached where the paths came to a point.

A mergence of the paths in the sky. It stood almost like a tree. Each of those thin branches in the sky was connected to the wide stump and its glow was overwhelmingly bright.

In front of that "stump" stood a girl about 18 or 19 with long black hair. She wore a simple white dress that reached to her calves and she had beautiful pale blue eyes. The more Y/n stared at her the more she realized the girl resembled Historia.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"My name is Frieda Reiss. I'm the daughter of Rod Reiss. I believe you know my younger sister, Historia." She said.

"I do, but that doesn't explain why I'm here. Where are we exactly? What happened to everyone? Where are my friends? Where's Levi?" Y/n asked.

"Oh you're still in the physical world but your spirit is here." Frieda said.

"What does that even mean?" Y/n asked.

"You mean to say your parents never told you what you were?" Frieda asked.

"Hate to tell you this, but I never even knew them." Y/n said.

Frieda went silent after that. She did her best to compose herself while she processed that Y/n had casually just said she had been an orphan her entire life.

"Tell me, have you ever seen something that wasn't there? Such as maybe someone who had died?" Frieda asked her.

Y/n thought back to when she had spotted Marco next to Jean after they had first joined the Scouts. He had already died, but she could have sworn she saw him there. Then there was the time she sat at a table with the old members of Levi squad in the middle of the night, but they had all died earlier that day.

"Yes." Y/n said.

"And what about seeing something that hasn't happened yet? Maybe in a dream?" Frieda asked.

Y/n remembered 5 years ago, she had a dream that a man named Kenny was chasing her and Levi. And just a few hours ago, she and Levi had just been chased by Kenny. The moment she had heard herself shouting for Levi to run, she realized she had been in that situation before, and she wondered if Levi thought the same thing.

Then there was the time Reiner had yelled at her for predicting that the scouts would arrive by sunset for Eren, Ymir and herself in her sleep. He thought she was a spy and that they had purposely let her get captured to lead the scouts to them.

"I have." Y/n replied.

"That's what I thought. You see you're connected to this world here in a way no one else is. You're able to enter this place on your own will, and by the will of others." Frieda explained.

"What is this world?" Y/n asked.

"This is a place beyond life and death that connects us all together. We call it the paths. Every one of us comes here after we die. You possess the ability to enter this world in your life, however." Frieda said.

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