52- Return to Shiganshina

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The night before the expedition....

Y/n opened the door to her room. Sasha and Mikasa had both fallen asleep already, but she wasn't surprised. As quietly as she could, she stripped down and pulled a night gown over her body. Laying in her bunk, she stared up at the ceiling until everything went black.

Immediately she opened her eyes. It was daytime, but she was still in her nightgown. Not only that, but she wasn't even in her bed anymore, she was on a roof.

Am I dreaming? I must be because I'm still in my night gown.

In front of her, she could see Mikasa and Levi, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. Suddenly, much to Y/n's surprise, Mikasa charged forward at Levi, tackling him to the ground and holding the blade of her sword to his neck.

Y/n's blood ran cold. The only thing she could feel was a rush of adrenaline as she immediately tried to run forward to Levi's rescue.

But she never moved. It felt like her feet had been planted into the ground. As much as she tried, she never managed to get her legs to move.

Then she saw herself, dressed in her scout uniform, run up behind Mikasa and hold up her blade against Mikasa's neck.

"I won't let you kill him!" Y/n shouted.

Y/n watched as this version of herself held up the blade against Mikasa's neck. She could see tears running down her cheeks, but Mikasa never faltered.

And just as quickly as she saw it happen, it disappeared. Now, she stood inside of Levi's office.

Levi sat in his chair while Y/n stood at the opposite end of the desk. The heavy weight of tension filled the atmosphere of the office.

"How could you keep the from me! Didn't you think I had a right to know?!" Y/n shouted, slamming her hands against Levi's desk.

Suddenly, Y/n felt a spark of electricity run down her spine and she jolted awake. The morning sun peeked out from behind her curtains as she sat up in her bed. She even pinched herself a few times just to make sure she was really awake.

Looking in the mirror, she could see her eyes had once again turned their radiant shade of blue and purple. It had become normal for her to see them on occasion when she woke up from vivid dreams.

But if it was all just a dream, why did it feel so real?

Present Time

"Y/n.....Y/n......can you hear me?" Mikasa whispered, shaking Y/n's shoulder.

Her body made a slight jolt as she was taken out of her thoughts. The soldier behind her accidentally bumped into her, making her lantern fall and startle the soldier's horse.

"Whoa!" The soldier exclaimed as he tried to calm his horse down.

"Hey! You've gotta light up the ground!" Levi ordered.

"S-Sorry." The soldier apologized.

The Survey Corps had left for Wall Maria at sunset in order to travel through night. Using lanterns made from the crystals found at the Reiss Chapel, they were able to light their way without torches.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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