Chapter 2

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

                                   {May 3, 2021}

      A deep and heavy sigh comes out as I close the curtains to my window. I lay my left hand on the left side of my stomach, receiving a slight kick from baby girl.

" Awe." I glance down staring at nothing but belly. She's gotten me so huge that I can't see my toes at all. " Somebody's slightly up." I always made it a habit to speak to my daughter. They say that speaking to a child while it's in the womb is a good way for them to automatically recognize their parents voice. " What would we like to eat today ? Will you even let me eat in peace without throwing up ?"

As always silence would follow behind. I grab a black dry erase marker from off my dresser marking today's date with an x. The more I marked the more we were getting closer to baby girls due date.

These days the only exercise I could get are fixing up my bed, doing laundry and cleaning up the house. Which consists of walking, bending and working the muscles in my arms, that's about as good as it gets. Not gonna lie I'll settle for it.

I'd worked myself out and I felt hungry. Of course I'd always take my time and question myself of weather which food baby girl would like. I felt as if we were like oil and water sometimes. The food i hate would be the food she'd love. How I knew was because baby girl would become more active like she saw out of my own eyes.

All the food items I saw in my cabinet weren't to my liking at all since they were mainly healthy foods. I needed some type of spice and seasoning in my life.

Reaching for some cereal my phone begins to ring. I grab the cereal, turning around finding my phone on the counter. My day was dull because of the glomming weather yet it was bearable without all the drama this man brought.

It took me some time trying to see if I really wanted to answer the phone. I decided on just getting the phone call over with already. My finger pushes the green pick up button, and placed it to my ear.

" Hello ?" His deep, raspy voice came through on the other end. I blame hormones because I knew it wasn't the fact that I missed him at all. " Yes I'm here." I cleared my throat.

"I saw your post just a few minutes ago. You decided on a name without me ?" His voice was laced with hurt, yet it did phase me. " You barley answer your phone."

" I'm busy these days. Chi, I been told you it was tour season." I shake my heard already feeling a headache coming on. " Look Gionni please I don't wanna keep doing this whole back and forth bull shit whenever we talk with one another ok ? Yes I decided on a name without you because I don't have the time anymore to sit around waiting on you. You leave me hanging for weeks at a time and expect me to just be ok with everything you do. I've told you it wouldn't  be a good idea to go on tour during this time. Treasure could be born any day now. Literally in just two weeks Gionni."

On his end there was nothing to be said. " And I guess that's the end of our conversation?" I question since he hadn't said anything.

" No. I wanna talk to you about something."

" Ok shoot." I place the phone on speaker quickly, sitting it on the counter and fixing my bowl of cereal.

" Chi, I really just want you to hear me out on this." Gionni sounded a bit frustrated already and he hadn't even presented the idea to me yet. This whole relationship with him being my child's father, and trying to co-parent was just already toxic. I'm just surprised that today we were lasting this long without arguing yet. " Chi, I just got told this information so it's not all on me."

" Gionni what do you mean ? I don't have the time for you to speak in riddles."

" Ight. My manager told me they recently added two more states to my chart for tour." I was left feeling confused because I had no idea what that meant. " Can you explain more ?"

" It means instead of me coming off tour this week it'll have to be next month." It took everything in me not to yell at this negro. " Did you say yes to the idea or not ?"

" I told her give me some time to think on it." I give a weak chuckle, picking up my phone and heading towards my living room. I sit down, cutting the tv on and settling on the first thing that showed. " I'm not finished yet Chi."

" Ok. Tell me your grand idea for being here when I give birth. You've always said that you wanted to be here fully during this pregnancy, however your words aren't matching up to your actions. What's your game plan ?"

" I think the best choice for us to make is for you to move up here with me. That way I can be more hands on for this pregnancy." I roll my eyes at his dumb ass idea. " I'm sorry did I hear you correctly ? You want me to move in with you ?"

He's hesitate with his answer.

" Yes."

" How will that work ? Your folks don't like me at all because they think I'm trying to get money off you with claiming that Treasure is yours, which she is. We can't even talk for ten minutes without going back and forth. What do you think will happen when we're actually in the presence of one another ? Everything will be sunshine with colorful rainbows. I'm sorry but I just can't. I'm still in college down here in, Waco Texas. Your in New York. You can't expect me to pick up everything I have down here going for myself to live with you. Do you know how stressful that'll be to start over freshly with a new born baby ? I'm sorry but no. I just can't."

Gionni groans on the other end.

" That's the best I got."

" I wouldn't dare ask you to do anything like that. My whole family is down here. Your family is up there, I'll feel so out numbered with them. I mean yeah your mother is the only one taking my side but the rest of your folks hell no. I can't Gionni. Can you see everything from my perspective ?"

" Chi I'm trying I really am. I want to be in my child's life."

" Then come up with another idea. I'm not moving. No, hell no."

" That's the best I got and that's the best we can do. Think about it I'll pay for you an apartment, any apartment to your liking that way we won't have to be doing all that traveling with the baby."

I was getting heated because he wasn't hearing me. " Gionni I'm not doing it. What about my family? Don't you think my own mother wants to be involved in her granddaughter's life."

" Yes and so does mines!" He yells.

I was taken back at the tone of his voice. I began to open my mouth yet I had no response to give him. It was always like this. We'll get defensive at each other and then one of us will decide it'll be best for us to leave.

This time it was my turn.

" Listen I have to get something on my stomach before this doctor's appointment. I'll update you on everything that's going on." I fought back tears, while keeping my voice steady.

He mumbles on the other end before ending the call. I throw my phone besides me, staring into my bowl of cereal.

I hated this. I hated him. I hated our situation. We can't seem to talk with one another without feeling some type of way. I try to hear him out about everything he does but is he hearing me ? Does he even understand all the shit I have or had to put up with going through this pregnancy.

Tears strung down my face. I quickly wipe them away to only have more streaming down.

" Fuck !" I yell out of frustration.

This whole thing is fucked up. We're going to be some fucked up parents that can't communicate with each other.

I place my hand on my belly, my vision blurred with tears reforming in my eyes.

" I'm so sorry baby girl. I know you hear and feel everything. Mommy's sorry you have to endure all this before your even born. I'll do better, I promise." I kiss my hand and place it on my belly.

A slight kick was felt and that's all I needed.

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