Chapter 39

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

{November 10, 2021}

    I wrap my towel around myself seeing that my room door had been opened. I relax a bit once Brea herself had a baby blue towel wrapped around herself. Water studs littered her body meaning she'd just gotten out of the shower. Brea turns around glancing at me with a shy smirk.

" Chi, hear me out." She chuckles. " I might have to move in with you." She throws her thumb to the door. " Honey that water pressure is something too serious." She rolls her eyes to the back of her head which causes me to laugh at her. " Chi, I'm being so serious. I mean I knew that my water pressure after a good days of work and school be hitting all the right places but baby my water pressure doesn't even come close to compare to yours."

" I won't might the company." I shrug my shoulder, turning fully around to face the vanity. " It actually gets kinda lonely, whenever I put Treasure to sleep." I roll my eyes. " I'm always up alone. This sometimes makes me wanna wake her up from the previous sleep that she gets then again baby miss reigns is very cranky whenever she doesn't get her proper resting." Brea points a knowing finger at me.

" Baby Treasure said don't play with her sleep.

Brea sits down on my couch, going through her suitcase.

I fiddle with my hair trying to see which style I wanted to go for tonight.

" You doing the bang method that you always do ?" She questions still fiddling with her suitcase and the containment's inside. " Yeah." I nod back to her. " You should spice it up for tonight, maybe even wear it to wear the hair in the middle for the bang is turnt up showing more of your face today. You are wearing makeup right ?"

I hum thinking about weather if I should or shouldn't. " I don't think so. Once I start sweating I'll end up wiping all your hard work off not gone lie Brea." She held up her hand in surrender. " Chi, I'm completely understand boo. Hell I was like that the first time I tried wearing makeup." I laugh trying to picture a beautiful Brea wiping off gorgeous makeup. I shake my head once the full image behind my eyes couldn't match up to her words.

" Brea I can't imagine."

" Well imagine it boo. My whole face looked like somebody rocked my shit." I shake my head holding back my laughter.

" Yeah I definitely won't wear it now." I flip my hair just as Brea had told me and seen that this look was definitely a good style.

I stand at the door of my room seeing my mother in the rocking chair with Treasure slanged across her body, holding her tightly. Quickly I pull out my phone taking a picture of the moment.

" You guys look like best friends." I say entering the room. My mother rises her head at the sound of my voice. " Girl we are. You look stunning by the way." I gush under the eyes and approval of my mother. " Thanks. You sure ? Should I change." I turn around so she could get a good look at the back with some part of my ass showing.

She laughs. " What in the world. You definitely gone score some hot men tonight. Just pull it down some and the you'll be fine." She advice which I had done at least a million then one times before coming to check on them. " Mama trust me I've tried but nothing can give. Maybe I'm too tall for this dress. I mean Brea is a bit shorter than me and it did look great on her when she tried it on."

" What were you gonna wear at first ?"

" A skin tight knee length black dress."

" Nope." She says popping the ' p '. " Honey Brea knew exactly what she was doing because you would have looked like a regular. I'm telling you Chi step out your comfort zone a bit. It's ok to do this and that every now and then. Don't lose focus on still being a young adult."

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