Chapter 18

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

                                        { July 18, 2021}

My tongue slides from side to side along the left side of my jaw. I tried to convince myself like my mother had texted me earlier that forgetting about things in the beginning is perfectly normal. Yet the nagging feeling of me being a bad parent just kept yanking me up by the back of my shirt, whispering and putting ideas in my head that I wasn't fit for this position. I wasn't fit to be Treasure's mother.

These past few days I've been bent out commission. I wanted to be the best mother to my daughter, I wanted Treasure to feel the love that I as a mother had for her because I love my daughter more than life itself. If in this moment I was asked to sacrifice my life so that she could live there would be no question of anything. I'd give my all to my on true love.

" You feeling better ?" My heart ache because earlier I'd acted an ass with these crazy ass mood swing. He had been the only one around so of course he got the full force of it. " Yeah." I take three deep breaths. I figured since we were waiting for the shots then I'd at least be a bigger women and do what I'm supposed to do. " Listen Gionni, I'm so so so sorry about this morning. You don't understand that as a mother forgetting the fact that my daughter—" I bite back since he looks up over at me confused. " Our daughter two months shots had been yesterday..." I tried my best to hold back from crying. " I feel like a failure."

Gionni takes Treasure's hand in his. " Chi, it's fine." He himself takes a deep breath. " Your a first time mom. I'm a first time dad. When you told me that we had to take Treasure to get her shots I remember you telling me that a couple of days ago. We both let it slip, no pressure. You see we still here right ?"

" Yes."

" Then everything's good." He reassures me. I bite back the fact of me pushing the issue of me being a mother in general.

A soft knock comes onto the door. " Mother and Father of Treasure Monroe-Brewster." A lady voice had been heard from the other side of the door.

" Yes! Come in." Gionni and I say in unison. The wooden door begins to open revealing a short, older women with papers, an orange envelope along with the two shots my baby girl will have to take.

" I am so sorry about the long wait. I'm sure you both are very busy." I shake my head no meanwhile Gionni voice a yes towards her. My face turns to him in questioning because he hadn't told me of him doing anything today.

Marcy, as her name tag read seemed to have noticed the big tense.

" Alright!" Marcy sits all the materials down, coming over closer to Treasure. " What a little cutie pie you are." Gionni willingly hands Treasure over to Marcy who carefully holds her. " She's so light."

" Is that bad ?" I hurried shooting in. Marcy chuckles, placing Treasure down on the makeshift bed for babies. " Chi, that's perfectly fine. And I do understand the whole first time mom thing." I nod, letting out a breathe. I didn't wanna do too much but it's just my first job now each day is making sure that another human being is satisfied before me. I watch Marcy cautiously as she checks for all the necessaries.

" Well new parents." Marcy takes her eyes off a sleepy Treasure, placing them onto us. " You both have been doing a wonderful job. She's heathy as she can be." She shoots over a thumbs up and I could describe how much weight fell of my shoulders to know that a stranger was telling me my parenting skill were top tier. " As I see you breathe more easily I can tell that your the best first time mother ever." I couldn't help but to gush.

Gionni chimes in to give me thanks as well.

" Now it's time for the part that we all will hate, especially the parents." Her face went into a playful frown. That aching feeling in my heart had returned. This was indeed the hardest part.

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