Chapter 32

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

     {Three Months Later; Nov 3, 2021}

I answer the incoming call from Brea. Once the call had connected her smiling face appears onto my screen.

" Hi boo." She waves.

" Hi BreaBae. What you doing up this late ?"

Brea dramatically places her hand onto her head, looking around like a lost chicken without their head. " Oh my gosh." I couldn't help but to laugh at my girl. " Has she forgotten already what college was like for students that wanted to keep their gpa's the same all throughout the semester." She gasps, placing her hands down from her head. " Girl you know I'm always up doing school work and if I ain't doing that I'm making list of things that I need to do to better my future." I nod. " You're right." I shake my head, getting comfortable in my seat.

" I still can't believe I forgot how you used to be in college." She slowly pouts. " I'll give you a pass." She stares down, dropping her attention from the phone. " You know I still can't believe you didn't come to college with us this year. Things have changed and I understand with your situation of getting pregnant this year but whew girl I've missed you." I smile knowing I felt the same way. Sometimes I even have dreams about college with Brea and Zack.

" I understand how you feel."

" You do ?" Brea glances up at the phone again. " Definitely. There's not a day that goes by where I wish I could have continued with my last year of college you know. I wouldn't be stuck behind as I would be next year." Saying the last part I saw a change in Brea's facial expression and body language. " Wait, hold up." She held up her hands. " You're saying that your coming back next year ?"

" Yea. I think I'm ready." I take a deep breath. " As a mother I felt that I needed some time to get close to my daughter. Education is always there but my daughter won't be the same age twice." I held up two fingers. " Yeah." Brea slowly says. " I hear you loud and clear. You know Chi you never have to explain anything to me or anyone else. I know you like the back of my hand and know that everything you do or say or even think will always be out of good intentions."

" Always." I chime in saying.

" We've just missed you lots." She blows a kiss at the screen.

" I've missed you guys even more. How have you been ?"

" I've been great." She chess extra hard. I laugh. " Ok boo go away and give me the tea." I had some tea myself to spill as well. I haven't gotten a chance to tell anyone, most importantly my mother because our time zones are different ass hell. I would be lucky if I even got a second of her time. " Ok." Brea places the blanket onto her shoulders.

" I met a guy." She says. My mouth forms into an ' o '.

Things had definitely changed.

The Brea I knew would never even give a guy one look.

I clear my throat. " When you say you met a guy what exactly does that mean ? Please be specific and leave no details out." I laugh. " Remember nothing is never too small to be left out." She roars with laughter, calming down.

" My family friends decided that they wanted to go out one weekend. I had just finished homework that was due three days before time I figured why not since I knew for a fact that whenever I'll get back I would just focus on watching tv and hopefully come up with my ideas for my future, as always. I got ready, we went for food first and then went partying. I was coo with it but Chi." I held onto the edge of my seat.

" The club. The freaking club whew baby those drinks were too damn strong." She shakes her head, pretending to gag. " Liquor was just too strong for my intake which is why I think I got loose." My eyes bulge. " Loose as in on the dance floor loose ?"

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