Chapter 12

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

{ May 17, 2021}
                                            { Part 2 }

    The idea of me not texting back was killing my mother. I knew that for a fact right now, it kilt me as well to know that I was giving us both a hard time just because my secret got out.

My index finger goes to the power button, staying there. I try not to add pressure towards it because lord and behold if this phone had actually decided to come on there was nothing anyone could say or do that wouldn't make me want to read all my messages from my family.

I smack my lip, placing my phone into my gym shorts. Just then Gionni comes out the house empty handed from carrying about three white bin boxes inside the house.

When he'd woken me up he told me that we had to settle in Nashville, Tennessee for the night. He had gotten a bit sleepy on the road and didn't want anything to accidentally happen. I understood him and those seats weren't providing me much comfort.

" You good ?" He asks coming over towards me. " Yeah." I felt in my gym shorts my phone. My heart ached. " I just need to pee. Can I go inside now ?" He nods, crossing his arms over his chest.

" One of my boys been using this place to get clean. Doesn't really like the rehabilitation centers at all." Gionni's face twists into a stank expression. " I just wanted to make sure everything looked up to part."

I force myself to peel apart from the car groaning because that position had felt comfortable. " Also there's a master bedroom down stairs just in case you don't feel like climbing those stairs. It's on the left side of the kitchen." He adds before going towards the back of the car and pulling out clear bins once again. I didn't get much conversation in with the men that helped Gionni load in some of my items. I had felt bad that we had to do them like this.

They probably had other plans yet they were here helping me with my items.

Walking the concrete path that had little lights installed into the ground, I open the front door being taken away at how beautiful and marvelous everything had been. This place was much more better than the one we had recently been at yesterday. Seems to me he's here more than he is in Waco.

I tell myself that I'll get back to exploring later. Right now this bladder needed to be empty ASAP.

After opening and being disappointed not to find the bathroom three times I finally come upon a door that was the bathroom. I did a little grace dance before fully coming into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, pulling my gym shorts down along with my panties and hovering over the toilet seat. It had only taken my five minutes to do what needed to be done.

I wipe, throwing the tissue into the toilet. I made my way over towards the sink, getting a good look at myself in the mirror.

Stressed was written all over my face and it told in my body language. I quickly splash water on my face that did no different at all.

I turn off the water, standing alone in the bathroom.

This has been one crazy ass year.

I place both hands on either side of my bump. My eyes had closed, as I take in the smell of the soap that had just been applied to my hands.

" How you doing in there baby girl ?" Yesterday she had given both Gionni and I a scared of our lives. My right hand goes up and down my humongous belly. I felt her kick once. " That's what mommy loves to feel. I'm so glad that your safe baby girl." I gush reminiscing on the feeling of her inside me. " Mommy loves you."

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