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There wasn't much sleep that I had gotten last night. I found it hard to shut my eyes and let slumber take me away, trust me I think I tried like six or seven times before I had completely given up.

Instead of sleeping I laid wake in bed that was shared with Thor. I might add to the reasons why I couldn't sleep was because Thor practically cut off my air supply as he slept on top of me but he's known to do that and I've managed to sleep just like that most nights yet this hold he had over me felt different. It was almost like he knew what was bound to take place and held me just a little tighter tonight.

With the time I was awake I had time to think. I knew since ninth grade that college was the best choice for me. I was on a mission to improve my life, my parents life and all these people around me too. I cared deeply for them all. I immediately grew obsessed with becoming a doctor and it wasn't just that with the practice that I had I loved the rush, the chaos, the drill of setting all the right materials, process and the purpose behind one patients life.

If I'm being truthful then I'd say I didn't need school but it was to improve the better knowledge of myself. I never wanted to make a mistake when it came to saving someone. I felt that I'd be torn to know I possibly ended someone.

With quickness I take my hands onto Thor's body. He squirms just a little calming down after three seconds. I used that as my window time to shift him off of me and onto the pillow so that it gave somewhat of support. The covers are thrown off me and I escaped out of bed walking into the bathroom.

There was no point of trying to get any sleep because the alarm clock on the nightstand had read five-thirty seven. I enter into the bathroom, flicking on the light, shutting my eyes tightly as the light blinds me for only a second. I close the door behind me taking a grab for my toothbrush.

I was glad that I was never the type to not unpack whenever I was at a new destination because once I didn't find anything then my whole day was ruined. I lather my toothbrush with toothpaste, cutting the sink water on, dapping it in and out under the water doing it for a last time and then letting the toothbrush touch inside my mouth to brush my teeth.

It wasn't long before everyone had began to wake up and start on their own morning routine. I even helped Thor out.

" Tres." My mother calls me.

I stand still while holding onto my belongings. "Yes?" I answered back.

" You left this." She said rounding the concern of the sweet holding my shirt that I'd been wearing yesterday. " I swear if I don't look behind you children you'll leave everything." She laughs. I take a grab for the shirt placing it into the pocket of my suitcase. She had been right. There had been countless of times she'd give us items we hadn't even known we'd left.

" Well thank you." I blew her a kiss.

" You're welcome." She kisses my forehead. "Now are you ready?"

" Ready as I'll ever be. Uh, dad said he wanted to talk with me privately once we get down to the lobby so you guys don't have to wait for me. He said he'll take me back." I watched as her body stiffs. It only meant she wanted to hide how she truly felt.

My mother gave a weak nod. " Ok. You can text us once you made it safely to your dorm. We'll be on the road for a while and of course be getting some rest but we promise to still text back immediately." With the last of that she pulls me into her strong hold. " You know we love you. If you are feeling some type of way then don't hold that back like I've always told you it's better to voice what your feeling than to hold it inside."

I plaster a smile upon my face. " Trust me mom I know. If I felt any different you would be the first to know."

We move right on schedule. Thor either snuck and ate some candy or just had enough sleep to make it seem like his sugar rush was at an all time high.

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