Chapter 36

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

    {November 7, 2021}

" Go Treasure T." I cheer Treasure on standing behind her as she walked with those little stubby legs of hers around the table. Each inch she'd take I'll take with her. Treasure glances behind her, lifting her head up connecting eye contact with me. She gives a toothless grin up to me.

" Hey big girl. You wanna start walking at seven months?" I ask her placing my hands onto my hips, bending down for a bit. " Girl I wish you knew how to talk because babe the tea be hot." She bounces up and down. " You do ? I have complete faith in you baby girl that you'll start walking at eight in a half months mommy's girl."

I watch carefully as Treasure gets to the edge of the couch. She has some trouble trying to see how she'll get across the other side. Just as I was about to inches closer, bend down and help her she takes it upon herself to let her right leg cross over and then her left followed right behind. She smiles over at me knowing already that she accomplished something. I clap my hands cheering little miss mamas on.

" Your a big girl." I express to her having my bottom lip poke out. Treasure goes back to focusing on moving along the table.

I turn around as I heard the toilet flush in the bathroom. My eyes watch intently as the next sound from the bathroom had been the water running. Treasure slaps her little hands onto the wooden coffee table, gaining my attention back.

" You ok sugar plums ?" My arms extend out to her picking her up which only resulted in her giving a little whine. " I know mamas. I'm trying to make sure your ok baby girl." I kissed her little small hands that I loved smelling anytime we slept together. A short moan leaves my lips as the smell calms me into the world of baby Treasure.

" You just don't know how happy you make me." Even as a baby I still thought Treasure knew everything that I felt and said. Just as those words left my mouth she gave the most brightest smile that she could, which warmed my heart. The smallest things about being a mother, being Treasure's mother gave me hope and motivation to strive for almost anything in hopes of protecting and making sure anything she'd ever place her mind to would financially be taken care of.

I would give myself a pat on the back for being a single mother, having two million already into her savings in just a short time. I made sure to take a break from social media because that type of influence would fuck up my main goals in life for myself and my little one.

" Boy do I wish being that small and being carried around." I spin around seeing Neemir placing a paper towel into the trash, throwing a smile my way. " You and me both. Everything went ok in there ? I'm sorry for the mess I was mid-cleaning when you came over." He holds up his hands in surrender. " Chi, it's fine. I completely understand. Trying to make a place feel at home isn't a crime." Neemir inches closer to Treasure and myself.

I relax my shoulders.

" I think it's my fault by the way." My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

" I came over unexpected without a call or a text." He sighs, avoiding eye contact with me. " I had no idea if you were here or were doing something." He gestures to the bathroom. I should have called." I shake my head, switching Treasure to my left hip. " No it's fine. You didn't expect your car to stop working besides I glad you weren't out there stranded, anything could have happened. Your safer here."

Neemir lifts his head. He smiles at Treasure who pays him no mind at all. " She's beautiful."

" Thank you." I turn around placing Treasure into her baby pin where she gathers some toys closer to her and plays with them. " I know you wanted me to meet her when the time felt right for you."

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