Chapter 17

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

                                      {2 Months Later}

This is the part were happiness like no other is supposed to begin right ? The minute they place the baby you've carried for nine or maybe even eight months into your arms immediately everything is supposed to be sunshine and glory because that little baby brings you nothing but happiness. I cross my arm, biting my right check and immediately tasting blood afterwards.

I turn to the side getting a good look at myself seeing that nothing had really changed. No progress getting this afterbirth pregnancy stomach off had disappeared as I suspected it to. My hand goes to slide down my face, but then again that late night eating doesn't help with getting this body of mines back right.

Tears sting in my eyes. This time I didn't force myself not to cry, instead they slide down my face like water on a rainy day.

Treasure welling helps me get out my head. Quickly, I reach to place my hands under the faucet letting the water come on automatically. Even though it had been a quick wash I'd made sure to actually clean my hands. I grab some paper towels, rushing out the bathroom. I didn't stop especially when I'd heard she'd stopped crying.

My heart raced. Almost every negative thought passed through my head of why her welling cry's had stopped. I found my answer opening the door seeing Gionni dressed head to toe, holding and rocking her. I make my way quietly into the room. Gionni turns around shooting a smile over towards me. I freeze not shooting him one back. His face had shown he didn't take it into offense just turned back around to face our two months baby.

" Oh by the way those peanuts you've been craving lately I went out to get those while doing some errands. There down stairs." That had slipped my some days ago when I had the chance to go to the gym and do errands. " Thanks. I knew I had forgotten something when going grocery shopping."

" Your welcome." He takes slow steps over towards the rocking chair sitting down not being bothered by the creeping sound that had been made in the silence. " I'm still trying to get the hang of your schedule." He speaks not taking his eyes off Treasure, who was doing the same. " You'll be here tomorrow?"

" No. I'll be at the gym with Anissa." Gionni smacks his lips.

" Why ? What's happening tomorrow?"

" I'm having pictures being sent over here to hang up in her room." My face goes dull. " I don't think that's a good idea." His head shoots up with a confused expression plastered on his face. " Even if the pictures won't hang above her nursery bed. Anything could really happen."

" There not glasses framed."

" Still. Like I said anything can happen."

He kept silent putting his attention back to Treasure who seemed to have craved and felt jealous of the fact he'd given me just a little. I lean against the door as a slow smirk spreads onto my lips.

Parenting with Gionni these past two months have been the best, especially since it seems that he's a natural born father. Treasure loves her dad and would even show signs that she'd prefer him best. They often got quality time with one another rather than I. I wasn't mad or jealous, this gave me the time I need to check over my articles to perfect them even better. Lately I've been feeling that my writing hasn't been top tier as I would have usually thought it was. I mean their are millions upon millions of people on earth thousands could be gutting for my position and to think that I could and would probably turn in some half basic shit kills me each and every time thinking about it.

" What's wrong ?" I get out of my head at the sound of Gionni's voice. " Huh ?"

" You too deep in thought. I just called your name and you stood still having your face scrunched up." I nervously play it off. I didn't need Gionni having any thoughts thinking that I wasn't capable of taking care of our child. " It's nothing."

I hadn't convinced him. " Tell me. We're supposed to be a partnership right ?"

" A partnership for Treasure, that all. Remember?" He nod. " Still if your not one hundred percent then the whole communication system, hell even the growth we've build these past two months will crumble. Your holding back. Chi, I'm just Treasure's dad not some stranger on the street." I would beg to differ since I felt like I knew half of the real Gionni.

I stand up straight fixing my posture. " I'm just thinking about my articles."

" What about them ?"

" How to prefect them. I feel like there not good enough." I bounce onto my lip hip. It was time for his own face to scrunch up. " Why ? The writing I'm able to sneak in and read." I playfully gasp, followed by laughing. " Gionni, I knew it! You weren't trying to fix you apple juice that night." We share a laugh. " Naw." He shakes his head no.

" Ya writing is out of this world. I love how you take something so simple as this picture." He point with his head. A picture of an ocean with the beach sand being half seen had hung up on the left side of the wall. It's been there since the moment I arrived. " You see how I can just tell you it's an ocean with specks of sand ?" He questions and I inclined my head. " You give me a whole description of how the day started, what leads of to them going to the bench and how the breeze and smell of the ocean air made them feel. You tell a story that one could live in forever." My nerves had chilled just a bit.

" You think I'm good ?"

" No." I poke my bottom lip out. " You're Amazing Chi. I would kill to actually read your whole article some time." I had been shocked at his words. He's never one to lie, and not about something simple like this. " Thanks." I let out heavily. " I've been feeling down about my writing skills lately." One eyebrow arches on his face.

" Why ?" I shrug my shoulders. " I've been reading articles other than my own and Gionni these people are better than me, way better." He didn't need to say a word to me it showed on his face how he felt. " Better ? Chi I just told you you were amazing."

I sigh. " What if amazing isn't what their looking for ? What if I set myself up being told that my work isn't good enough? Do you know how I'll feel ?"

" Yes! Chi you gotta suck that shit up because that's one person." He held up one finger. " It's thousands of others out here that's gone love the hell out yo articles. I know fashoo I do." I chuckle a bit. " You're an out of this world writer. Fuck what people think. Long as you put your best foot forward and you know it then hold yo damn head up high and show them later that they missed out on working with the best."

I had been taken back at his words. I felt that that's what I needed to give me a some what push to help me.

" Gionni, honestly thank you for being honest."

" Always. You know I'm not one to lie, especially while you stand in my face frail Chi." He shakes his head side to side, folding his lips in. " You sacrificed your body for our child." At the mention of Treasure she makes a grunting sound. " I will never do that to you Chi."

" Thanks. I really do appreciate the peep talk."

" I'm always here. Hell we tied for life with one another now so there's no escaping me." Gionni had been right about that. Even though Treasure will eventually have to turn eighteen and be on her own we as her parents will always be tied, including one another in almost just about everything dealing with her.

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