Chapter 34

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Chi Brooklyn Monroe

                            {November 5, 2021}

" Annnddd." My finger race across the keyboard, keeping my eyes steady to see if any of those little red marks would appear because of me not double checking my spelling, instead going straight in like I would do in high school because I was just that good of a writer.

" Whew! I am done baby." I stand up from my desk doing a little break dance. The relief in my fingers felt so damn good. I knew that the pain in my fingers were a sign that it's been too long of me taking a break from writing, I've missed it so much.

" Ma!" Treasure scoots her butt on the cover messing it up just as bit as she sits on my bed with little barbie dolls in her hands. " Yes my darling! What is it you want mommy to do ? You want mommy's attention." I walk over towards the king size bed, flopping down.

" Guess what you've got it all night, all day, every hour, every second." I sing out to Treasure which had her rolling over into laughter. I pick her up placing her onto my lap.

" You're so beautiful you know that." I place two kisses onto her right cheek. " The most beautiful little baby I've ever seen." I plate another two sets of kisses onto her left cheek. " Mommy still can't believe that those are my genes. You have some similarities to mommy." Treasure wiggles her body out of my hold. I place her back onto the sheet that was hers so that non of my cover, main cover had gotten messed up.

" Treasure." At the mention of her name Treasure raises her head, giving me her attention. At only seven months my sweet baby girl was smart. " Mommy loves you. You don't understand how much you've saved my life in these past seven months. Your the best blessing that I could ever think of, count on and be around." I placed my hands onto my two finger before they softly placed onto her little cubby cheeks.

I remember words that I'd once said when finding out I would be a mother to a baby girl.

My mouth opens and words fly out of them. The same feeling I'd had at the clinic had been the same feeling I felt right now, in this moment. " Thank you for choosing me to be your mommy."

* * *

The sound of me smacking my teeth had alert my mother of my presence behind her, standing at the thrust hold of her door. " Your not even dressed yet and your complaining about me." I hold my laughter in seeing her face as she takes in the realization that I'm dressed before her.

She waves me off. " Girl hush! It's only one time."

" One time too many. I'll wait in the car." She turn back around with her head inclined looking for something on her shelf of shoes. To be quiet honest she's the one that's making me late for my own doctors appointment because she wants to be look presentable for Dr. Charles. I shake my head laughing, opening the door to the house.

I wouldn't have it any other way though.

It felt good to finally see my mother with an actual smile on her face, not one of those smiles she force out to please me.

My leg had been mid-stop before I would have placed myself into the car.

" Chi ? Chi is that you ?" I heard the familiar voice of my mother's neighbor, Ms. Montana. I turn seeing her with her arm slightly extended out meaning she was walking her dog, Benji.

" Oh my gosh Chi!" Ms. Montana squeals in delight. Her little chubby legs rush over to me. In seconds I'm pulled into a hug.

" It's so good to see you darling. It's been ages since you've been over here or I've missed your frequent visits." She pulls back from the hug, placing her hands onto my shoulder examining me.

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