⚜️ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ⚜️

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Growing up as a titled alpha prince of the wolf kingdom isn't really easy for sarawat,he grow up with books and tutors on his side,the boy didn't even feel his mother's love,but since the king died he became cold and emotionless,but good thing he have friends,boss is the general's son while man is the son of the guntithanon's old butler,they all met in sarawat's 14th bday.

And from that day onward the 3 were bound to be friends forever.

Ever since sarawat's father died he has been placed on the care of his grandfather/his mother's father,the queen haven't in touch with him after the king died 'on sarawat's 13th bday' and rumors spread on the kingdom saying the wolf queen have an affair,starting from that day the prince started to carry grudges on his mother,including his grandfather who always push him to work to gain more power.

"Power makes you strong,if you wanna be strong,then work harder my grandson" the old man greedily said.


The prince entered his room and gently place the sleeping rabbit on his bed,he walked towards the shower room and cleaned up.

After that he changed into pair of pajamas and lay on the bed.

The night was very quite making the prince stay awake,thats why he get up again and pour a cup of whiskey on his glass.

He walked outside the balcony and stared at the pitch-black sky 'no stars'.

"Guess it will be raining cats and dogs tomorrow" he sighed.

A sudden sound startled him from behind,the prince turn around and saw a sleepy rabbit rubbing its eyes.

"Tine?" the prince called.

The rabbit lift its head and face the prince with a half closed eyes,the prince stared at tine in awe.

"You should go back to the bed" the prince ordered but tine shook his head.

Tine hop towards the prince and the prince carries the rabbit like a baby,after that the little rabbit snuggle to the prince chest and fall asleep again making the prince secretly smile.

"Goodnight tine" prince sarawat whispered to the snoring rabbit.


In the middle of the night tine woke up when he heard sobs coming from the man beside him,he yawned while eyes half closed.

Why is he crying? is he hurt?

The rabbit hop closer to the prince and saw that his eyes are closed but tears are streaming on his cheeks,the only light that is helping him too see is the big shining moon above the sky since the balcony's door are open.


Tine was startled when the prince suddenly called his father,he touch the prince's forehead and his eyes widened when he realize that the prince is burning.

He has a fever!

The little rabbit starts to panic,he hop out of the bed and tried to ask for help but to his unluck he couldn't even open the door.

What am i gonna do?! the prince is sick and i must call for help!

Tine tried to reach for the door knob by jumping,a few jumps later tine got tired and slumped on the floor.

I must find a help!

Tine think for a moment until he got an unexplainable idea.

I know this will be unbelivable in the morning but i got no other choice!

Tine hop inside the prince's walk in closet and search for a towel,but to his unluck again the towels are on the higher cabinet.

What a very lucky day!

Tine sighed and opened the lower cabinet,his eyes widened and his face heated plus his heart beat faster.

Shia! of all clothes that should be put on the lower cabinet! it has to be his underwear?! great! just great!

The little rabbit take one of the prince's underwear and hop out of the room leaving the splattered underwears everywhere.

Now i must find water!

He hop inside the bathroom which is already opened,tine search for the sink,he jump on the closed trashbin to the sink.


Tine sigh in relief and switch on the faucet,he soaked the underwear and jump on it multiple times to dry fast since he can't squeeze.

After making sure the underwear is not soaked anymore,tine head out of the bathroom with the prince's underwear,he climbed back to the bed and check on the prince's temperature again.

He's still burning!

Tine carefully placed the a bit wet clothe to the prince's forehead,the prince groaned on his sleep while the tears has been dried up on his cheeks.

Let me fix that!

Tine licked his paw and wiped the dried tears the prince's cheek.


After that he pulled up the blanket and covered the prince's trembling warm body.

Goodnight my prince! i hope you get well very soon!

(The next day)

Prince sarawat's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes and stretch my arms,my head still hurts a bit but i can manage to sit up on my bed.

Just then doot opened revealing my 2 dork friends carrying a tray of breakfast and medicine.

"Oh your finally awake!" boss exclaimed.

"How are you feeling?" man asked.

"Much better,thank you guys" i smiled at them.

"We shouldn't be the one you're thanking" man chuckled.

I frowned but suddenly something feel off my forehead,i took it and my eyes widened.

"Seriously guys?! a underwear instead of a towel?!" i asked indisbelied but they gesture me to keep it low.

I frowned harder and they pointed tine who is sleeping peacefully beside me.

"What?" i curiously asked.

"We're not the one who took care of you last night" boss grinned.

"Then....who?" i trailed off.

They both again pointed the snoring rabbit beside me.

Seriously? is this some kind of joke? a rabbit took care of me last night? it can't be right?

"This morning when i came to wake you up i saw tine guarding you while you sleep but when i try to touch you i received a kick on the face instead" boss pouted.

Seriously? are you really the son of the general? but....so its true?

"I tried to wake you up too but the glare that little rabbit is giving me gives me the creeps,i guess tine is finally bonded to you" man chuckled.

My mouth hanged opened and i turn to look at tine.

This is insane,how can a small rabbit took care of a human? well my investigator said he is already 18 but still didn't shift thats why they dumped tine out,but how could they be so cruel? your own parents throw you out? so heartless! i know its hard for tine too

I reach and slowly rubbed tine's head while he still keep on snoring,i chuckled watching how cute he sleeps.

If one day you shifted into a human,will you be this cuter?

"Thank you" i whispered.

My little doctor

𝑴𝒚 𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒀𝒐𝒖Where stories live. Discover now