Chapter 1

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I sighted the empty spot 0.5 seconds before turning in. Shifting to park, I silenced the beast and stopped the engine. Next to me, the thick black leather wallet sat in the center console. Opening it, I eyed the wad of cash that had surprised me the first time I'd seen it.

Who carries this much on them?

Then I rolled my eyes and snorted. Who didn't have to worry about getting mugged?

A fucking Alpha.

Slipping out two hundred-dollar bills, I stepped out of the car, smoothing the oversized jacket down my body and making sure the hem settled midway down my thighs.

My bare thighs...

Thank the Moon he had left it in the car...

Taking a breath for courage, I held my head high and walked down the block to the tiny boutique.

The silvery tinkle of a bell announced my entrance. A delicately featured woman turned and gave her best customer-service smile before her brain processed my appearance.

"Welcome! Please let me know..."

I held a hand up. "I know what this looks like."

Her eyes traveled down from my mussed hair to my bare feet, speechless.

"Can you help me?"

She looked up, and I put on my best damsel impression.

"The guy I drove out here to see? Turns out he has a wife. Fucking internet dating, right?"

Her shock turned to amused sympathy.

"Now, I can't go back to that apartment, I'm certainly never gonna see my weekend bag again, and this?" I plucked at the jacket's leather collar, "Is the only clothing I have right now."

The woman gave me a pitying smile. She nodded toward the back. "Changing rooms are straight through. What are your sizes?"

Gratitude prickled my eyes. "What's your name?"


I walked up and took her hand between mine. "Jeannie, you are my hero."

Standing at the register, Jeannie told me the total, and my insides knotted.


Outwardly, I smiled and handed her the bills.

She eyed them suspiciously and glanced up at me, apologetic. "Sorry about this, but I'll have to examine these. Store policy."

Stupid fucking Alpha with his stupid fucking hundreds-

"No worries. Do what you've got to do."

She nodded. Turning away, she held them up to the light and then marked each with a small black pen.

I waited, trying to look casual in my overpriced outfit, struggling to keep from glancing at the door.

"Okay, these check out." She looked up at me, abashed. "Again, I'm sorry about that-"

I smiled, "Hey, you're just doing your job. Been there."

The hair on the back of my neck bristled. I expected to hear the door slam open any second.

"Tell you what – keep the change; you are an absolute life-saver!"

"Oh! Thank you!"

I gave a quick wave and wished her a nice day, forcing myself to keep a casual gait while I fought the urge to run.

Out on the sidewalk, nobody was waiting for me. I walked back to the car and slipped inside, trying to not attract attention.

As I buckled the seatbelt, I saw the phone in the cupholder glow. Glancing over, the screen displayed the name "Frank," but I knew who was really calling.

Pressing the ignition button, I put the car in reverse and backed out, totally unsure of where I was headed.

I Stole the Alpha's Car (18+)|✔️Where stories live. Discover now