Chapter 34

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The ringing cut off. "Lauren?"

"Hi, Evan."

"Hey, stranger. I was wondering when you were going to call."

I smiled, sitting down on the upholstered bench at the foot of the bed. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It's been kind of a whirlwind the past couple of days."

"No worries. I figured you'd need some space with everything going on."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"So, how are things?"

That's a loaded question... I bit my lip, debating how much to tell him.


"Let me guess: The mate bond has you head-over-heels, you're already pregnant, and it's twins."

"What?" I cried out. "God, no!"

"Don't hide it – you've already got the names selected-"

"Where do you get this shit?"

"-and they're Dwayne Jr. and Dwayne the third."

"Oh my Goddess..." I managed to sound aggravated for two seconds before I broke into giggles.

"Seriously though, how is all of that going?"

"Well," I paused, deciding to slightly edit the truth. "We've been on a couple of dates-"


"Really. And, well," I took a breath, "I like him." The words hung in the air of the suite and I hurried to explain, "I know that part of that's the mate bond, but he's kind, he's really considerate, and so far he's taken all of my shenanigans in stride."


I shook my head. "It's weird. I honestly think you'd like him. You know, if circumstances were different."

"I have my doubts about that..."

"I'm serious. We had a whole conversation about Star Wars – STAR WARS, Evan. Also, he apparently has D&D nights with his buddies."

"You're kidding."

"Not even. The man lit up like a Christmas tree when I mentioned that I'd played before."

Evan chuckled, "Laur, you have a type."

"God help me." I muttered. "But, yeah. Dwayne's turned out to be a really good guy."

"That's miles away from our last conversation."

I cringed, remembering how panicked I had been.

"I think he and I both made just spectacularly bad first impressions."

I heard him snort, "You, make a bad impression? Never!"

Frowning, I asked, "Wait, did I tell you about stealing his car? 'Cuz I stole his car."

"YOU WH-" the sound grew distant as Evan apparently set his phone down, but I could still hear the roar of his laughter as clearly as if he were sitting next to me.

As the sound died, I heard him pick up the phone.

"You stole his car?"

I rolled my eyes, blushing. "So, you know how I can get kind of overwhelmed sometimes?"


"Well, it was that, but worse. Like, my brain just shut down - all I could think about was getting away, and his car was right there..."

I Stole the Alpha's Car (18+)|✔️Where stories live. Discover now