Chapter 37

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His knock rang through the suite at six o'clock exactly.

I smiled, grabbing my purse.

Punctuality is so attractive in a man.

As I opened the door to greet Dwayne, my greedy eyes catalogued his appearance.

The dark grey suit he was wearing was not the one he'd left the house in this morning – he'd gone home to change.

That would explain the slight dampness of his hair and the clean scent of his body wash.

The black dress shirt parted, unbuttoned, at the throat, revealing the delicious protrusion of his Adam's apple.

Unfortunately, his tattoos were hidden again, covered by the expensive, hateful cloth of his suit.

A slow warmth filled me as I thought about how it would feel to reveal those later.

...or now.

When I finished my perusal and looked up, I caught the desperate hunger of his stare.

In an instant, I felt my pupils dilate, and all regard for our dinner plans went out the window.

Acting on instinct, I reached up behind his neck and pulled his face down to mine.

For a fiery moment, we consumed each other, too feral to be gentle, driven by our absolute need.

Goddamn I had missed him.

Strong arms wound around me, and as his hands cupped my ass and pulled me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Dwayne," I moaned, feeling the growing pressure of his erection stiffening between us.

"Oh, god." His breath wafted hot against my neck as I did my damnedest to rub against him.

"Let's go to my room – dinner can wait."

"Baby-" he cut off with a shudder as I began to nibble my way down his throat. "Lauren, we've got reservations-"

"Fuck 'em." Frenzied, I began to unbutton the rest of his shirt.

Growling, Dwayne spun us around and wedged me tight between his body and the wall. Taking my jaw in his hand, he forced my head up to look at him.

"Babe?" The gruff frustration in his voice had shivers running across my skin.

"Yes?" Every labored breath pressed my chest against his, and the pure, undiluted dominance in his stare had my heart racing.

"As much as I would love to take you in the other room and fuck you senseless, I can't right now. We have to go."

"Why?" I whined.

"Because if we miss that reservation, Ulf will take it as a personal insult, and I need to keep that crazy man happy."


"The head chef at our flagship restaurant, Gusto. His cuisine is part of what turned our reputation around and put our resort on the map." Dwayne smirked. "He is also incredibly petty and talented at holding grudges."

I felt my eyebrows raise, "Oh?"

Backing away from the wall, Dwayne helped me as I regained my footing.

Using his thumb, he cleaned up my smeared lipstick, explaining. "I once had the audacity to not finish his shrimp and scallop paella, and-" He cut off as he checked his watch. "Dammit. We really need to get going."

I had to admit, as agitated as I felt, it was pretty cute to see Dwayne flustered for once.

Stepping forward, I took the front of his shirt in my hands and began to rebutton it, careful to again leave the top button undone for my degenerate pleasure.

"Okay," I began, taking a moment to swipe my lipstick off of his mouth, "but the food had better be fucking amazing."

Smirking, Dwayne took my hand and led me out the door.

In the hallway, we settled into an easy pace as we walked toward the elevators. While we waited for one to arrive, I felt Dwayne look me up and down.

Smoothing out the fabric of my dress, I glanced over, "Yes?"

He smiled, looking back at the doors. "Nothing."


"I just like looking at you, that's all."

Grinning, I asked, "Are you getting sappy on me?"

As the elevator arrived, he leaned over, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Absolutely."

Shaking my head, I followed him inside, leaning against his warmth as we descended to the ground floor.

"So," I asked, "how was your day?"

"Tedious. It got much better near the end, though." His eyes savored me. "How was yours?"

I chuckled, "I got introduced to the 'Miami Vice'. We're good friends now."

"How many did you end up having?"

"...I'd rather not say."

"You lost count, didn't you?"

"Yeah." I admitted.

"Everybody does."

The doors opened, and stepping out into the lobby, I noted several people very deliberately not looking at me.

"You really did send an email, huh?"

Squeezing my hand, he answered, "I want you to be comfortable here."

Looking up at him, I couldn't help the ridiculous smile growing on my face.

This man...

"Thank you."

A week ago, I had no idea that Dwayne existed. Now... now I didn't know how I had ever lived without him.

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