Chapter 25

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A/N: When I started publishing on Wattpad, I had this pie-in-the-sky goal of getting onto the top 100 Werewolf story rankings.  And, today, I am psyched to report that we actually f*cking did it!  I Stole the Alpha's Car is #75 in the "werewolf" tag!  So, as a thank you to all of the AMAZING, WONDERFUL people who gave this oddball story a chance, I'm publishing the next chapter early!  Thank you so much for your support, and have an awesome weekend! 

I buckled my seatbelt as Dwayne settled in, leaning over to press a quick kiss to my lips.

The warm, soft pressure surprised me, and I found myself kissing him back before I knew what I was doing.

He pulled away, smiling. "Good morning."

Pleasantly flustered, I stuttered out, "G-good morning."

Starting the car, he reversed and pulled us out onto the street. Shifting, we began to move forward, leaving the apartment behind us.

"How did you sleep?"

"Well enough."

"Oh?" He glanced over.

I shrugged. "I've been crashing on their couch, and while it works, it's not the most comfortable thing. It'll really be nice to sleep in a bed again."

"I think you'll like the suite. It's at the top floor of the main building, and it has these great views of the lake."

"You're sure it's okay for us to stay there?"

Dwayne grinned. "I ran it past the owner – it's fine."

"I'm serious – it sounds really expensive."

"It is, but it's rarely booked."

"And that's normal?"

He nodded. "We make solid profits, even when it's vacant. Having suites in a resort is more about the prestige than the revenue – you know, it looks good on the website, that kind of thing."

I glanced over at him. "Seems wasteful."

He shrugged, waiting at a red light. "It's a handful of rooms out of a hundred. If someone does book it, it's a nice bonus chunk of change, and if it's vacant, we can use it to placate pissed off customers."

"You get many of those?"

The light turned, and Dwayne drove on. "We host a lot of honeymooners and destination weddings – the kind of events that already have high tensions and high expectations. Sometimes people cope with that stress by complaining – the neighbors are too loud, the TV is too bright, the water is too wet-"

I chuckled, and he continued. "At times like that, it's simplest to just upgrade them to a suite to shut them up and keep their business."

"That has to suck for your employees."

He sighed. "It's part of the job. But if it crosses the line, I'm not beyond kicking an entitled ass out on the street."

"You personally?"

"I've been told that I'm intimidating."

My mind flashed back to the first time I met him. Intimidating didn't cover it.

I took his hand in mine. "At first glance, maybe."

We were past Harrisburg when I finally mustered the courage to say, "By the way, I really am sorry about yesterday."

"You have nothing to apologize-"

I Stole the Alpha's Car (18+)|✔️Where stories live. Discover now