Chapter 40

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*CONTENT WARNING* This chapter will contain detailed descriptions of sexual activity. If you would rather not read that, then please skip from the first bolded line to the second – this will cut out the sauciest parts of the chapter while keeping the plot intact.

The distant notes of dance music floated through the mostly empty lobby. The one lone employee at the reception desk stood straighter as he saw us approaching, and Dwayne greeted him with a silent nod. With my hand in his, he led me behind the counter into a small room full of random supplies. 

The bright fluorescent lights illuminated a treasure trove of assorted personal items. Anything that a guest might reasonably ask for was somewhere on those shelves, from toothpaste to Tylenol.

I was trying to decipher the inscrutable organization system while Dwayne dug around behind me.

"Here we go."

Turning, I saw him stuff a handful of condoms in the pocket of his suit jacket.

Raising my eyebrow, I said. "And here I was under the impression that you just had condoms on you at all times."

"Nope," he pulled me against him, "I hope I'm not being too presumptuous by picking some up."

Leaning into his warmth, I breathed in his scent. "I like a man who's prepared."

Dwayne's fingers trailed softly down the side of my face. "Speaking of 'potentially presumptuous', I'm going to need to drop by my office."

Looking up, I asked, "Why?"

"I keep some spare clothes there."

I chuckled. "Trying to avoid the morning walk of shame?"

Leaning in, his lips trailed over the edge of my ear. "Baby, if I get to spend the night in your bed, shame will be the furthest thing from my mind."

A red-hot flush consumed me, and Dwayne radiated smug satisfaction as he took my hand and led me back into the lobby.

On the second floor, after walking through an "employees only" door, we passed meeting rooms and offices, lifeless now in the after-hours dark.

Finally reaching the end of the hallway, Dwayne pulled out his wallet and ran it across the key reader. There was a soft 'click' and Dwayne twisted the knob and held the door open for me.

Inside, the sodium yellow glow of the streetlights shone through the windows and painted the wood-paneled walls with shadows. Above, the ridges and recesses of the coffered ceiling created arcane patterns as the light hit them.

As I stepped inside, I began to recognize the foreign shapes in the gloom.

Dwayne's desk stood at the far end of the room, backed by a large window that opened out onto the manicured lawn. More windows on the left peered out onto the resort's circular driveway. In front of these sat a large, brown leather couch separated from two matching chairs by a squat, rectangular coffee table.

Dwayne walked up to the wall on the right, opening a discrete door hidden by the paneling.

"Here," he gestured to the leather couch, "have a seat, this will only take a second."

As he thumbed through a handful of suits still fresh in their dry-cleaning bags, I heard the office door quietly "click" shut behind us.

And I had an idea.

While Dwayne decided on his outfit for tomorrow, I stepped out of my shoes and set my purse on the table.

Reaching behind me, I caught the zipper at the back of my dress and slowly pulled it down along my spine. When the bodice hung limp from my shoulders, I shrugged it off, letting the garment fall to the floor.

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