Chapter 33

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"...and when he found his mate, he conveniently forgot the promises he'd made to my mother."

Laying on Dwayne's chest, I could feel his heartbeat quicken as he spoke.

I opened my eyes to the greying light of dawn. Looking up at him, I saw the simmering anger the memory evoked.

"He sounds like a real bastard."

Dwayne didn't smile. "He abandoned us. My mother had to raise me by herself until she found her own mate. He's the man I call, 'Dad'."

I felt the pain radiating off of him. Trying to steer the conversation to happier territory, I asked, "What's he like?"

Dwayne smiled softly. "He makes really good enchiladas, he snores like a chainsaw, and he'll get up at any hour of the night to watch a meteor shower – and he'll usually drag me with him. He never once treated me like his stepson – it's like I was his kid from the moment he met me."

I grinned, "Yeah?"

He sighed, rubbing his hand up and down my spine. "You're probably going to meet him soon. I asked him and Mom to keep their distance this week, but-"

"-but that's not going to stop them from randomly running into us?" I guessed.

I felt the chuckle rumble through Dwayne's chest. "Exactly."

Idly tracing a finger over his tattoos, I muttered. "It's only fair. I mean, you already had to meet my parents."

"Alone," he added. "I had to meet your parents alone. It's already awkward enough when your partner is there to cut the tension..."

I grimaced, "Sorry. At least my dad probably loved you..." I hated the bitterness in my voice, but I couldn't help it.

Dwayne's hand stilled. "Can I ask – what's the story there?"

Sighing, I collected my thoughts. "He... he's a good man and he's been a good father overall. It's just that since I've been able to make decisions for myself, he always thinks I'm making the wrong ones." I snorted mirthlessly, "I can't seem to do anything right in his eyes."

Wrapping his arms around me, Dwayne hugged me. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'm just going to have to deal with some serious I-told-you-so's."


Looking up, I felt my face flush. "Um... he really didn't like me dating Evan." Glancing away, I added, "We don't have to talk about it."

Dwayne ran a hand over my hair. "Lauren, you don't have to avoid talking about Evan. We both have pasts, and he's clearly an important part of yours."

A saucy grin spread over my face. "It's just that we're naked and I'm laying on your chest, so now probably isn't the best time."

I watched as the sultry heat in his eyes kindled into a white-hot flame. Excitement flooded through me, and the growing craving inside of me would have been satisfied.


My traitorous stomach chose that exact moment to rumble with an appetite of an entirely different nature.

Grinning with wry humor, Dwayne asked. "Are you hungry, love?"

My heart fluttered at the endearment, "Honestly, I'm ravenous – is that normal?"

Smiling gently, Dwayne answered, "Yeah, that's normal." Tilting my chin up, he placed a kiss on my forehead and said, "Here, I'll go get some breakfast started – how do you like your eggs?"

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