Chapter 18

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I woke as the early morning light began filtering through the curtained window, feeling oddly on-edge. There wasn't really any reason for it – I wasn't running anymore. Dwayne had promised to stop chasing me, and somehow I felt like I could take him at his word.

Still, laying on my back, staring at the ceiling, I couldn't shake the vague restlessness and irritation.

When I heard stirring from Jess and Tori's room, I sighed and sat up. I wanted to send them off to work with a warm breakfast and packed leftovers for lunch, but I wasn't feeling up to anything fussy.


Too basic.


Not filling enough.


I paused, then shrugged. It would do.

Walking out to the kitchen, I started the coffee and set some bacon to frying. Rummaging through the fridge, I decided on a couple combinations that sounded appetizing.

The door down the hall opened, and Tori padded out, stretching in sleep shorts and a tank top.

"Mmm... so, what's on the menu today?"

Jess walked out behind her, "It involves bacon, so I'm already in love."

"Omelets." I answered Tori. "I can do basic, veggie, or," I paused, "if you're feeling daring, we do have some brie-"

Jess leaned against the counter. "You have my attention."

"-and brie, apple, bacon omelets work way better than you would think."

"I'm sold." Jess stood, "I'm going to go shower. You-" she pointed to me, "-work your magic. You're a beautiful soul, and in case I haven't said it recently, I appreciate you."

I grinned and shook my head, moving to pour Tori a cup of coffee.

She accepted the mug with a wry smile. "Thanks, Lauren. You are easily the best temporary roommate we've ever had."

"Thanks." I went to pull the apples and brie out of the fridge, "So, what's on your agenda for the day?"

"I've got a consultation at one, then a cover-up at three." She sipped her coffee, "Humans really need to stop getting their significant others' names tattooed on them. It's the kiss of death for the relationship."

I turned to flip the bacon. "Do you do a lot of those?"

"I do it all – I put the cringey ink in, and I also cover it up."

Frowning, I glance over my shoulder. "Really? Why?"

She shrugged. "The good jobs go to the more established artists. Somebody has to do the grunt work, and for now, that's me."

"I get it." I focus back on the bacon. "Like, you don't just walk into a kitchen and become head chef without paying your dues first."


The defeat in her voice stopped me. Turning around, I asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"

She stared down at the counter and sighed. "If you hooked up a tattoo machine to a printer, I could be replaced in a second. There's no artistry in what I'm doing. I'm in a rut."

"Have you talked to Jess about it?"

"I don't want to worry her over something this minor. I mean, 'Oh no! I'm not being completely fulfilled by the work I'm doing at the beginning of my career?' How shocking!" She shrugged. "It's temporary, and it sucks for now, and I just have to deal with it."

I gave her a sympathetic smile before turning around to plate the cooked bacon.

Taking out a piece and laying it on a napkin, I slid it in front of Tori.


"Hey, bacon always makes me feel better."

She laughed, and I continued cooking.

After Jess left for work, Tori was showering and I was in the kitchen prepping the steaks for marinating. In a couple hours, these slabs of dead cow would be sitting pretty above a bed of mashed potatoes, dressed with bordelaise sauce alongside steamed vegetables.

And yet...

Even the prospect of steak wasn't lifting my mood.

I still couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why, but the current target of my ire was Evan.

He hadn't called yet.

It had been two days.

We hadn't gone two days without talking since we'd met.

Shaking my head, my lip raised in an involuntary snarl. It was just another reminder that our relationship was over, and I didn't even have anyone to blame.

"You'll break your face if you keep doing that."

My attention snapped up. Tori stepped into the kitchen, towel drying her hair.


"What's up?"

I sighed, "Nothing."

"That didn't look like nothing."

"I'm being a crabby idiot."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Trust me – you don't want to get me started. I'll just end up ranting at you."

"It's called 'venting' and it's healthy. Go ahead."

I sighed, setting the last steak in the marinade and turning to wash my hands.

With the water running, I began, "Evan and I thought we were mates from pretty much the first moment we met. There was this... connection that we couldn't explain, and we just figured it was the mate bond." I shut the tap off, "Even after he moved to live with his aunt and uncle in Wyoming, we were constantly in contact." Turning back to face her, I pursed my lips. "He knows things about me that I've never told anyone. He's my closest friend, and the most important person to me, and we haven't spoken in two days."

Tori leaned her chin on her hand and waited.

"It's over. We're not mates – and you want to know what the cherry on top of this shit sundae is?" I scoffed, "Everyone - my parents, his family, everyone told us that we were being naïve, that it was childish to confuse puppy love for the mate bond. And they were right!"

I closed my eyes, feeling the heat of my anger and frustration radiating off of me.

"Fuck 'em."

I glanced up. Tori was looking at me with her implacably calm face.

"'Fuck 'em'?"

"Yep." She stood. "You got excited about your first love and dared to hope that it was the real deal. Fuck anybody who judges you for that."

My lips quirked up in a slight smile. "I – I think I really needed to hear that."

"Then also hear this – you don't need to wait on him to call. You've got a phone, and he might just be giving you space."

I grimaced, latching the lid over the marinating steaks and placing them in the fridge. "Maybe later. I'd feel weird calling him up when I'm about to go on a date with another man."

"Fair. Where are you going?"

"Um-" I stopped, realizing that I had no idea. "I'm going to ask; I'd hate to show up grungy and find out he's taking us somewhere nice."

"Here's an idea – knock on his door wearing nothing but a smile." She flashed a daring grin.

"Tori!" My face heated as my mind pondered the possibilities. "I could never do that!"

She snorted, "Why not?"

I smirked, "They'd throw me out before I cleared the lobby."

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