Chapter 9

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The air gusted out of my lungs as his rich, warm baritone entered my ears and made me lightheaded.


I could hear him breathing on the other end, and imagining the slow, easy inhale of his broad chest heated my blood.


Right – I fought the intoxicating lassitude that was spreading through me.

Licking my lips, I whispered, "If you're tracking me right now, I swear to – "

"I'm not. Promise."

There was a subtle rumble to his voice that had sparks shooting down to my nerve endings.

He continued, "How did you sleep?"

I steadied my breathing, "Fine. You?" Goddess, I hope he can't hear what he's doing to me...

"Lonely. I had my jacket with me, though. It smells like you now."

My mind flashed to an image of him sniffing it, sniffing me...

Trying to change to a safer topic, I asked, "How's the car?"

A note of amusement entered his tone. "Oh, it's fine. It's over at The Ivy with me if you want to take it for a spin."

"The Ivy?"

"In downtown Baltimore."

The heat kindling within me froze. "I thought I told you not to chase me?"

I could almost hear him smile. "I'm not. I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"For you."

The calm possessiveness of his tone destroyed me – I was an inferno now, raging with need. Pulling the phone away from my ear, I was ready to end the call.

You're never going to get anywhere if you keep cutting him off...

I raised the phone. Swallowing nervously, I said, "Then I hope you can extend your reservation, because it's going to be a while."

"Not a problem – the front desk staff love me." He chuckled quietly, "I can be very charming when you get to know me."

"I'll pass!" I snapped.

His voice became soft, intimate. "I'd like to know you."

Unmentionable parts of me quivered in response. "Yeah, in the Biblical sense." I muttered.

"In every sense, Lauren."

My name on his tongue sent a shock of pleasure straight to my core, and I fought the urge to throw my phone onto the concrete sidewalk.

Breathing in, I responded, "Good luck with that."

"Aren't you curious?"

"What?" I frowned.

"If you believe the myths, then the Moon chose us to be together. Don't you want to know why?"

"I'm leaning toward 'clerical error' myself."

He laughed, warm, hearty, and husky, and I found myself grinning.

"Have dinner with me."

And suddenly I wasn't grinning anymore.

"We can keep it public, on neutral territory- "

"I don't trust you."

He paused. "Then trust that I don't want to scare you off again."

My thoughts swirled, and I had to lean against the brick side of the nearest building for support.

Are you actually considering this?

"I'll be on my best behavior. You have my word."

I'm pretty sure the serpent used that same tone with Eve.

"Goodbye," I muttered, and hung up.

I walked through the farmer's market in a daze. Stalls were set up along the waterfront vending the kind of goods that would have had my head spinning on any other day.

Damn him.

He made it all sound so simple, so reasonable.

Is he wrong?

I stopped, frustrated tears welling up in my eyes.

Twenty-four hours ago, Evan was still my boyfriend. I was his loyal girlfriend.

Now I'm considering having dinner with another man?

I can't flip my feelings off like a switch.

But apparently Evan can. Remember? He only "likes" you now...

Feeling cold despite the summer morning sun, I wrapped my arms around myself.

Would it be the worst thing to meet him?

It's only dinner...

Only dinner. I rolled my eyes at my own naïveté. Getting within fifty feet of that man was only going to end in one outcome. Hell, hearing his voice alone had me ready to combust.

Okay then, coffee. Nobody ever got hot and bothered in a coffee shop.

Pulling out my phone, I type:

"I might be curious..."

He responded almost immediately:

"I have a reservation at Bygone at eight."

"I don't remember agreeing to dinner." His presumption raised my ire. Why was I going to meet him?

"Please? If you stand me up, I'll have to eat alone."

I frowned. "What about your goons? Are they not good company?"

"They're my lieutenants, and they're on their way back to Sweetwater."


He was typing, and I waited, watching the screen.

"Really. I had a conversation with my brother last night, and it helped me realize that having them around was doing more harm than good right now."

I'm surprised – something about his headstrong, I-always-get-my-way demeanor screamed "only child" to me.

"You have a brother?"

"Younger. Much younger."

That explains it.

"He sounds smart."

"He is."

I sigh. You can survive one dinner with this man.

"Fine. Bygone at eight. This is ONLY dinner. You will keep your hands to YOURSELF."

"Yes Ma'am."

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