Chapter 41

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A loud, insistent, repetitive beeping rang out from the other side of the bed, and I felt Dwayne stir as he rolled over to turn it off.

Grumbling, I wrapped my arms around his torso, using his chest like a pillow.


I made an annoyed grunt in response.

"Lauren, I need to get ready."

"Says who?"

"Says my assistant and the massive load of work I have to catch up on."

Glancing up, I muttered, "You're the Alpha. Pull rank and sleep in."

His hand came up to stroke my hair. "You're not a morning person, are you?"

I grinned, "Not when you kept me up half the night."

"Me?" Dwayne snorted, "What we were doing takes two, and I seem to recall you being a very willing participant."

Breaking eye contact, I leaned forward to nip at his collarbone. "And we could continue that if you stayed."

"Hmm..." His eyes narrowed, and I could almost see the scales weighing in his mind. "Tempting. How about a compromise: You order whatever you want for breakfast, we take a quick shower while it's cooking, and then we eat out on the terrace before I leave."

I sighed. "Deal." Pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, I sat up, leaning over to my nightstand to dig for the room service menu.

Pausing, I asked, "Would you mind if Jess and Tori joined us for breakfast? I'd feel kind of rude arranging room service for just us and leaving them out."

Dwayne stood, distractingly naked, and began to walk to the en suite bathroom. "Go ahead – just make sure that whatever you order includes coffee."

Pulling on some sleepwear for courtesy's sake, I stepped out into the common area and tiptoed over to the other bedroom door.

Knocking softly, I waited for a moment before it opened, revealing Jess in a satiny robe.

"Hey, I was going to order room service for breakfast – would you guys want anything?"

"Um," she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Sure, yeah, that sounds good. Just order us whatever you end up getting, okay? We'll be out in a couple of minutes."

"Take your time – there's no rush. Just maybe keep an ear out for someone at the door?"

Jess yawned. "You got it, boss!"

Stepping back across the sunlit living area, I went into my room and closed the door behind me.

Walking up to Dwayne as he was brushing his teeth at the sink, I gave one bare buttock a playful smack.

His sharp grunt was muffled by his mouthful of toothpaste, and I smirked at the dangerous glint in his eyes.

Leaning back against the counter, I pretended to study the menu while he finished.

Suddenly, it was snatched from my hands and tossed aside as Dwayne hauled me up and sat me on the counter. Standing between my thighs, he tipped my chin up, and I felt his minty fresh breath on me as he studied me.

Nonchalant, I smiled, "So, I was thinking four orders of the continental breakfast, coffees all around, and a large serving of fruit salad to share?"

"Lauren?" His voice was soft, but his eyes held mischief.

"Yes?" I linked my arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

Dwayne leaned in, his body heat searing hot as his hands roamed over me. "If you wanted to try spanking, all you had to do was ask."

I felt my pulse thunder within me as he lowered his lips to mine.

I didn't hear the door open.

"Hey, Lauren, Tori -OH, JESUS!"

Turning, I saw a mortified Jess facing the wall as Dwayne leaned over, snatching a towel off of the rack and wrapping it around his waist.

"You okay there, Jess?"

"Yep." Her voice held the high pitch of acute embarrassment. She cleared her throat and continued, "Just – these rooms are really soundproof, apparently. Sorry for walking in on you guys."

I fought back a giggle. "You didn't walk in on anything – it's fine. What did you need?"

"Tori wanted to specifically request the French toast."

"Sure! I'm ordering now – it should be up in about a half hour, right?" I directed that last question toward Dwayne.

He nodded, "About."

Jess looked like she was about ready to combust. "Awesome – sorry again for barging in!"

As she closed the door behind her, I looked at Dwayne, apologetic. "I'm gonna go lock that now."

He chuckled, "Probably a good idea."

Later, as my hair dried in the morning sun, I was finishing off my last bite of bacon at a table overlooking the lake.

The view from the ground floor had already been breathtaking, but the vista before me more than justified the suite's exorbitant nightly rate. The stunning, shimmering waters extended far into the misty distance, overlooked by endless rolling hills studded with vividly green trees.

"So," Jess sipped at her coffee, composure long since regained, "if I understand correctly, you chose to not live here?"

Dwayne nodded, chewing and swallowing before answering, "I did."

"Okay, I'm going to have to ask you to explain, because there isn't much that could make me give up having this outside of my windows."

He wiped his lips and sat back. "When I first got elected, I actually did move in, and I didn't make it two weeks before I started looking at houses and properties."


He continued, "Imagine having a rough day at work, and all you want to do is go home and decompress - except your home is your work."

Tori sipped at her coffee. "Sounds like it would get old really fast."

Dwayne nodded, "It did. Even if it doesn't have this view, my current house is a necessary escape – the distance gives me time to clear my head. Sometimes I'll even leave the car here, shift, and take the 'scenic route' home."

Jess sighed. "Sounds nice. Can't exactly get away with that in Baltimore."

"I don't know how you do it," Dwayne shook his head, "Spending a week in a city was already too much for me, but you've been there for years?"

Jess nodded, "About five now." Reaching over, she squeezed Tori's hand.

"I admire the fortitude, even if I don't understand it."

Jess chuckled, picking up a small strawberry and popping it in her mouth.

"So," Dwayne looked to me, "What are your plans today?"

I set down my cup, addressing Jess and Tori. "I was actually kind of wondering if you two wanted to check out Sweetwater – Dwayne and I were talking about it last night at dinner, and it sounds pretty cute."

Jess looked at Tori, then nodded, "Sure, we're game."

Dwayne downed the last of his coffee and then set it on the table. "Well, I hope you enjoy it – I, unfortunately, have to get to the office." Nodding to Jess and Tori, he said, "Ladies, it's been a pleasure."

As he stood, I followed suit, "I'll walk you out."

At the door of the suite, I linked my hands behind his neck and pressed a quick, hard kiss to his lips.

Resting my cheek against his stubble, I savored his scent and his warmth. "So, dinner?"

He grinned against my cheek as his arms wrapped around me. "I thought you'd never ask."

Resting my face in in the crook of his neck, I muttered, "Try not to miss me too much."

He pressed his lips to my temple. "No promises."

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