Preface - Story begins in Chapter 1

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This preface is here to give a brief synopsis of the story, to go over content warnings, and to touch on the werewolf tropes that will/will not be included. If you're not interested in that, then thank you for clicking on this story, and please continue to the first chapter!


Lauren Adams is in trouble. BIG trouble. She found her mate - and he ISN'T her sweet, long-term, long-distance boyfriend, Evan.

He's an Alpha.

Can you blame a girl for panicking?

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Lauren Adams is a girl with a plan. Freshly graduated from culinary school, she's only a couple weeks away from her boyfriend, Evan's, 18th birthday and officially becoming his mate. Then, she's going to move out to Wyoming with him to start their happily-ever-after.


A certain older, incandescently hot Alpha comes to her pack on business and topples her plans like a wrecking ball.

Now she's on the run, he's on the chase, and there's more than just a ridiculously expensive car on the line.

Content Warning:

My stories feature adults doing adult things. I'll be putting content warnings on chapters that feature significant instances of adult material but take it as a given that most chapters will feature some level of not-safe-for-young-folks stuff. If that's not your cup of tea, then thank you for at least checking out my story, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

This story will include:

Adult language – My characters swear. A lot. Sorry!

Sexual situations – This book is a romance, and it will feature scenes of characters having sex. I'll tag these if you would rather skip them.


I like playing around with werewolf lore and what I use might vary from story to story. I will do my best to make these differences clear in the text, but I also wanted to provide a list so you can see at a glance what kind of werewolves I will be writing about.

This story will include:

Destined mates – There's a lot of fun and interesting story tension that can be wrung out of the whole, "there's someone out there that you are destined to be with" concept, and I want to play with it!

Alphas – There are several avenues for someone to become the leader of a werewolf pack, and once someone has achieved that role, they are called an "Alpha".

Rogues – Werewolves who live outside of a pack are called "Rogues". Sometimes they're violent assholes, sometimes they're just people who have had some serious bad luck, and sometimes they're normal folks who would rather live independently.

Masquerade – In this story, werewolf society is hidden from humans, and werewolves are bound by laws that compel them to uphold this masquerade.

This story will NOT include:

Claiming bites – Walking around with visible bite marks doesn't exactly work with my whole "hidden werewolf society" story world.

Rejection – As far as the characters in this story are aware, they are not able to reject their destined mates.

Omegas – I'm sorry, I understand that this is a popular trope, but I'm just not comfortable with the idea of one group of people being in a set underclass of werewolf society. It's not my jam.

Inherited titles – Similar to the last point, I'm not comfortable with a society where leadership roles are hereditary. Sorry!

Mind-linking – I get the purpose of enabling werewolves to telepathically communicate with each other, but I'm choosing to not include that as a part of my worldbuilding.


Just a couple random items that I wanted to touch on before we get to the story proper.

Faceclaims: I do base the appearance of my main characters on famous people – it helps me to describe them and to imagine story interactions if I have an actual person to visualize. That said, I don't think I will be sharing these faceclaims. I'll be honest – my taste is really basic, and it's kind of embarrassing.

Music: Here's the thing – getting into my musical taste is like dumpster diving. Sure, you'll find some good stuff, but it's mostly trash. Accordingly, I will not be linking music for my chapters. However, if you would like to suggest a song to accompany a particular chapter, please leave a comment!

Wattpad Exclusive: If you're reading this story anywhere but Wattpad, you're supporting piracy - and not the fun swashbuckling kind. If you read this on Wattpad you get to add your comments to the story, vote, interact with me and other readers!  J O I N   U S ! 

Shameless Self-Promotion: If you enjoy this story, please consider checking out my other projects, One Night In Vegas and I'm the Alpha's Crush

Cover Photo: Photo by Andrew Wise on Unsplash

Thank you for taking the time to check this out! I hope you enjoy the story!

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